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Messages - csermonet47

That is one of the pins that I had the solder pad lift on. I can flow some in from the top though. I have the exact same results has when I had it socketed, so I don't think that is causing the issue. It looks like the traces for that pin are on the bottom of the PCB. Voltages are posted above if you wanted to take a look. I will make another attempt at tracing to see if I cant get an idea of where something is wrong.
So I finally got my lo-pro caps and was about to finish this thing up, but I am having some weird issues. It definitely compresses, but I am getting a faint fizzy sound that is driving me nuts. I double checked that all components and orientations are correct (not to say I couldn't have missed something). My solder joints looks good. I thought maybe it was a loose socket, so I soldered the ICs to the board but it didn't help. Lifted a couple pads on IC2, but I don't believe it is causing any issues. I started going through voltages so you can see them below. Any ideas on this thing? I started trying to poke around with an audio probe, but I am having a hard time tracing the signal through the schematic so I don't know how to pinpoint the problem area.

Build doc here:
Just tried that and seems to be about the same. Maybe I need to go to a shop and try one out to see how comparable it is. Still just seems awfully weak.
OK. I had a change to dig back into this a bit. Turns out I just had the blend knob all the way off, so I was getting a clean signal   ::). I am getting a chorus effect, but it seems pretty weak. The rate is good, but the depth I feel like should be better. I don't feel like I am getting the classic CE-2 sound. At 12 o'clock on the blend knob, I get barely any chorus. When I mess with the trimmer, it gets better the more it is turned, so I currently have it maxed. I feel like it could have more depth with a different value. I have double checked this and I know it is a 10k timmer. Any ideas?
I checked out pin 7 on the MN3101 with the LED and it is staying on the whole time. I hit it with the multimeter and it is showing a pretty stable 4.6v. I am looking and don't see any solder bridges or cold joints, but I will start tracing the schematic and see if I can't figure out what is going on. I am out of town for the next week so I will poke around some more once I am back. Probably good for me to walk away for a bit haha. Thank you for all the help so far guys!
Pin 3 gets a nice clean signal. 7/8 gets a slightly distorted, louder clean signal with no modulation. When I adjust the trim pot, anything below half kills all signal coming from 7/8.

I measured hz at pins 2 and 4 of MN3101 and I am getting a fluctuating read of 70-90hz that increases and decreases with the rate knob. Does this all sound right?
I made an audio probe for another project, but I haven't tried it on this one. What would I be looking for since it is passing audio fine, there is just no chorus effect?
I did have the trim pot set to half when I tested voltages. All the way gave the best vibrato effect which is why it was set that way in the photos. I just don't really know what it could be at this point other than something with the ICs?
I am getting 9v on the banded side (cathode?) and 0v on the non-banded side (anode?).  Does this sound correct? I am really a rookie so I don't fully understand how everything works haha.
I do not have a spare 4558 unfortunately. I did turn T1 down a bit though and got it to match the voltages listed in the build guide. The ICs were sourced through smallbear so I think they should be legit.

Thank you for the help so far guys!
I rechecked pins 5 and 6 on the TL062 and they are indeed positive!
Hey everyone! New here and my first plea for help.

Just threw together my Porkbarrel 2019 build and I am trying to make sure everything is working properly before boxing it up because it is such a tight fit.

I am getting a clean signal through the amp with no chorus effect at all. When I adjust the blend knob however, I do get the vibrato effect. I went ahead double checked that all components are the correct values with the correct orientation and I did not see any issues there. All resistor and capacitor values were checks before soldering. I took the voltages below and have highlighted the areas that look a little unusual compared to what is listed on the build sheet. When I initially hooked up the power to the breadboard, I put the positive and negative power supply hookups on the same rail by accident, so I think something may have gotten fried. All ICs and transistors are from smallbear so they should be genuine. All other components are from Tayda.

Any ideas? Thank you in advance!