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Messages - tmiso

Finally got back to this today. Rewired at the mod depth and it records and plays back!! So excited. The only thing is the mod pots seems to have virtually no effect over the sound of the playback. Not really getting the warble that I have heard on some demos on here. I did feel as if I heard some vibrato while the detune switch was engaged. I believe the mod pots did have some effect over this sound. Additionally, to record the detune pitch must be set to max. Think they is further issues with my mod wiring? Again thank you sooo much for your help!! Definitely would not have been able to get this far without you. I really appreciate it.
Sorry for the late reply, been very busy with life and just got back to this. ran the tests that you recommended. Voltage at pins 4,9,10,27 are at 5 volts. However, voltage at pin 28,16 and emitter for transistor 2N5088 is only 3.6V--- sometimes it is 1.2V not 5 when detune is off. Green wire to mod board likewise is 3.6 or 1.2V. Thanks again for all your help. I really appreciate it.
Thanks for the responses!! I really appreciate it. I rewired my safe switch and the lights now function properly! But... I am still having no play back like before. When I get home I will poke around with a multimeter and see if the issue is the one you described above. Could there be a different issue now that the safe switch is properly wired?
Hello!! First time posting on here and I'm hoping someone will be able to help me out!

So I finished the loophole with jakefuzz's awesome vibrato mod (diagram below) and I'm running into some issues.  The pedal bypasses fine while nothing is engaged.  When I hit the record switch, the green LED lights up instead of the red and still get output to my amp which can be effected by the volume potentiometer. After I disengage the record switch and hit the play switch, the green LED lights up again but no recording is played. While the play switch is engaged, I get a dry signal which is effected by the dry and volume potentiometers. I have triple checked all the components and ensured I have no shorts. I've even bought a new ISD1020 IC to see if that was the issue. Can anyone help me out or point me in the right direction to get this thing working?? Thanks!!!