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Messages - ToneTweaker

 Hey guys, This is my first post here @madbean! I've always loved this site for info & resources and because of the real deal VFE project builds! I've been huge fan of VFE for years and was sad to learn of them closing.. But discovering that tue circuits were made available here put a smile on my face :)

**So I started this thread because my old Thomas Organ Wah has been sitting on the bench for about a year with an unrepairable pcb. And I was hoping for some suggestions to where I can purchase a replacement circuit board. I started a stripboard build, But unfortunately that won't work because the size of the inductor ("stack of dimes" salvaged from the original) won't work with the tiny stripboard dimensions. [cloudset]If anyone has a possible clever workaround to this, then I wouldn't need to buy a new pcb [/cloudset]

Lastly I wanted to briefly mention that I received a Tayda shipment today that included a predrilled and painted enclosure which I'm extremely impressed with!! Their enclosures also are designed to match the specs of all the PedalPCB projects which is nice, If you're like me and would like everything neatly PCB mounted but are too sloppy with the drill..
Admittedly I was skeptical, but it's actually better quality than anything I ever got from Mammoth so.. Anyway, I'm not affiliated with Tayda in any way whatsoever. I just thought you DIY folks would appreciate the feedback. I'll post a pic later when I have time