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Messages - albemasci

Hi everyone,

i'm fairly new to pedal making and still have everything to learn about electronics, and I have a doubt: I just built a tube overdrive (the Tube Driver V1.2 by TH) and made a mistake with the polarity of the LED. I would normally just unsolder it, but it's right under the socket for the tube (9 pins), so it would be really hard to unsolder both without damaging the rest of the components, that are quite near those pins..

When I connected the 9V, the LED didn't light up, while the tube did. I also tested the LED with an external supply (2.8V), and it lighted up, so it's not broken, just reversed. So I was wondering: if it's true that diodes don't allow current in the wrong direction, what happens if I solder another led from the opposite side of the board? Is it a problem to have another diode connected with reversed polarity, considering that the one under the socket sould  just don't allow the current to flow in the wrong direction, avoiding problems?

Otherwise I could carefully drill a larger hole in the middle of the socket with a dremel, allowing me to unsolder the LED from above, but I can feel the pain by just thinking of it!   :D

Thanks in advance to everyone!