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Messages - mybud

Thanks @mauman. Appreciate the speedy reply.
Hi folks: Seeking some guidance for the impending build above, as follows:

I've struggled to find a 240R 1W resistor for the power supply. I have 220R 1W instead, which all measure closer to 220 than 240. Is this sub ok? Other possibility is to wire 2 470Rs 1W in parallel to get closer to 235R approximately but this will obviously take up a lot of room on the board.

The 240pF cap is also proving elusive, unless in large multiples (25 at a time, which seems very wasteful). Closest I could get was a 220pF MLCC measuring 229pF (just within the 5% tolerance called for). Will this work, noting that I have a 250pF mica cap on order as backup? Thought of socketing both of the above in any case. Any advice gladly received. TIA.