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Messages - tyskstil

So the build guide recommends the 'dunlop' standalone PSU for the 18V needed for the Harbinger 1.5. There are two versions as far as I can tell: The older linear ECB04, and the possibly switch mode (but I'm not sure since it doesn't actually say so on their website or anywhere I can find) ECB004.

Does the build guide refer to one or the other? What are peoples experience with this specific PSU if using the switch mode: Any noise issues etc? Other pros/cons to keep in mind?


Quote from: madbean on October 04, 2019, 08:09:23 PM
5 to 10% tolerance is fine for most any circuit. I have a mix of both and never give it a second thought.
Anothher question: The build doc gives some instructions on which components to leave in / out when using either a 9V or 19V power supply. Can I just sodder everything in, but only put power in one of the two channels, say the 18V, so that it's easier for me if I change my mind and want to switch to 9V at a later stage?

Also: C33 is missing in the BOM, though its in the schematic.
Thanks for the fast answer! I've been refreshing your page for the last 6 months or so to buy the Harbinger, and it finally arrived today, so its very good new that I dont have to wait for another delivery of caps!
So I'm building the harbinger 1.5, and there are 13 film caps with unspecified tolerance. Most of my film caps are 5%, and so I was wondering if perhaps that was the assumed tolerance of the 1u caps. Anyways, I bought what turned out to be 10% caps, and I'm unsure if the tolerance is critical.