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Messages - reggaebass

General Questions / Re: Bi-Phase Options
June 10, 2020, 09:10:39 PM
Thanks digi2t.  I just ordered a Lola, why not try one of the hardest projects as one of my first pedals :)

I'm just going to be slow and methodical and pay a lot of attention to your doc.  We'll see how it goes!
General Questions / Re: Bi-Phase Options
June 08, 2020, 09:30:58 PM
Quote from: digi2t on June 08, 2020, 05:14:30 PM
that wonderful, swirling "two phasers running at different speeds phychoacoustic effect" that makes the Bi-Phase (or Lola) magical.

@digi2t - that is definitely what I want.  I have been going over the Lola build doc for the last week and I really want to build one but I have only built ODs and Fuzzes so far.  I feel like giving it a shot and just taking my time and being careful.  Thank you to all of the PCB makers and builders, I have been lurking for a long time, this is a great community. 

For digi2t for anyone that has built a Lola, any recommendations for 2 channel oscilloscopes?
General Questions / Bi-Phase Options
June 07, 2020, 11:27:46 PM
Hi All,

I'm still a novice builder (I know this advanced territory), I really want a Mu-Tron Bi-Phase for an outboard dub effect.  I'm not sure I want to save up 1.5-2k for an original.  I'm guessing some of you are familiar with the Jeff Rubin Electronics Mutant Fly-Phase?  Not sure why the LDRs are bent different directions in the attachment?  Has anyone built the Lola Phase from Dead End or maybe there is an archived Madbean project that is close?  Any input is appreciated.  Thanks! -Craig