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Messages - onzlow101

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Nom Issues..still
July 22, 2018, 08:16:35 PM
Quote from: jimilee on July 22, 2018, 02:59:10 PM
Quote from: onzlow101 on July 22, 2018, 02:53:43 PM
That's was actually a really good question, but yes both trimpots are in the right place- had to double check though.

I'll look into getting something a little bette for a power supply. Any personal recommendations? And I bought a set of matched Sets from JDsleep (for both attempts).
One spot is a great inexpensive way to go. Also, a battery snap with a dc plug in the end is one of my favorites. And, if you're going to be playing, a DC Brick power supply like Dunlop works fantastic.

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Alright I'll get a higher quality power supply and try that out.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Nom Issues..still
July 22, 2018, 02:53:43 PM
That's was actually a really good question, but yes both trimpots are in the right place- had to double check though.

I'll look into getting something a little bette for a power supply. Any personal recommendations? And I bought a set of matched Sets from JDsleep (for both attempts).
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Nom Issues..still
July 22, 2018, 02:09:59 AM
Quote from: jimilee on July 21, 2018, 08:05:53 PM
With what are you powering it? Where do you get your gets? Do you reflow all of your soldering, there are a couple of the square pads that don't look like they have any solder on the pads. Did you check all of your resistors to make sure they weren't mislabeled in the pack in which they came?  Did you use news ICs anyway? Is your LFO working? What are your voltages?

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I'm powering with a standard switching? mode ac adapter, something cheap from Amazon but it powers other pedals. My ICs came from Jameco (TI), the dual op amp is from the same batch so I wonder if something was wrong there. Some stuff is from Jameco and some (capacitors mostly) is from beloved Tayda. I believe the square pads with no solder you mentioned are for setting up a pulsing led I believe.

I definitely checked the resistors with my meter as they went in to be sure. The LFO also seems to be sweeping voltages per the ElectroSmash analysis. Here are the voltages: Zener diode: 5.02

                 IC1                                    IC2
1 Vref= 5.0      8 Vref                    1 Vref       5   4.0-5.8 in a square waveform
2 Vref              9 Vref                    2 Vref       6   4.3-5.8 in a sine waveform
3 Vref             10 Vref                   3 4.74       7  8.9-1.3 in a squarish waveform (I think this is the triangular)
4 Vin= 9.79     11   0                     4    0         8  Vin= 9.5
5 Vref             12 Vref
6 Vref             13 Vref                  The drain, source, AND gate voltages across all the FETs are all the 5.0V but
7 Vref             14 Vref                   there is no bridging between them whatsoever.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Nom Issues..still
July 21, 2018, 04:20:16 PM
Hi all-

I posted a while ago about a clear signal coming through the 2015 NomNom. Well I decided to start from scratch and order a new board. I'm having the same issue. I think I've dialed it down to a power supply issue. As I adjust T1, the voltages at the JFET gates do not change. The voltage coming "out" of R28 (the 1M resistor) is the reference (5.1V) voltage, which is applied to the gates. Therefore, the gate voltages are too high for the phase portion of the circuit to function.

I don't have any issues with IC voltages, and I've done all the troubleshooting I can think of. There must either something missing in between the power supply and the FETs or I'm missing/not understanding something entirely. Any input is greatly appreciated.

For reference:

Quote from: bsoncini on May 07, 2018, 08:07:15 AM
The emitter of the transistor should be connected to the source on the jfets. Not the gate.

If you put the speed slow what are the voltages on pin 5, 6 and 7 of the lfo?

You're right, I totally misread the diagram. Here are voltages:

5: jumps between 4.13 and 5.94
6: rises and falls between 4.40 and 5.82
7: starts at 1.3, rises to 1.5, jumps very briefly to 13.1 and then drops to 9.59 and holds steady (then repeats)
Quote from: bsoncini on May 06, 2018, 07:55:16 AM
Yes. The voltages at all the jfets should be roughly the same. As in all d/s and all g should be the samevv

Your gate voltages are way too high. It must be lower than the source to act as a véritable resistor. It depends on the jfets but somewhere around 3v.

A few questions. Does turning t1 change the voltage at the gate? If not check all parts between the gates and lfo. Make sure there is no bridge between the source/drains and the gates. Maybe also check with continuity the one side of t1 is connected to the owner diode. The others to ground and the middle to the 1m resistor. Then the other side of the 1m to the gates.

Is the voltage at the gate moving? Should be wiggling by .5 to a voltage. Put the lfo speed slow to be able read with a meter.

So no, turning T1 doesn't change the gate voltage, nor does the gate voltage move (I've tried about every position with T1). I did check for continuity for all of the pins of T1 with the diode/resistor and it all checked out. There isn't any bridging between gate/source/drain on any of the FETs either. I checked continuity between the 3M9 resistor and the gates, and the emitter of the regular old transistor to the resistor where the signal hits the LFO circuit. One thing I did notice was the emitter of the regular transistor did not have continuity with the gates, which it seems like it should per the diagram:


Could that be the issue?

Thanks all for your continued input!!
Quote from: jimilee on May 05, 2018, 04:35:15 PM
Quote from: onzlow101 on May 05, 2018, 01:55:18 PM
Quote from: jimilee on May 02, 2018, 02:39:21 PM
Looks like several solder joints are starved. I'd go through and reflow and add solder to the ones where the pad is covered with solder.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Alrighty. Went through and checked everything out, replaced T1 with the correct size trimmer, and now I get a slightly distorted signal which varies with adjustment of T1. I ordered a 4.7V Zener which MadBean suggests in the build doc as a possible solution.

Does it make sense that I get the same voltages across all the pins of the JFETs?
Did you reflow and add solder to the starved joints? The zener won't effect the sound in this regard.

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I did, I held the board up to a light to check for bridges/poor soldering and it seemed pretty decent. I'm no solder god but I feel as if the connections are pretty good...
Quote from: jimilee on May 02, 2018, 02:39:21 PM
Looks like several solder joints are starved. I'd go through and reflow and add solder to the ones where the pad is covered with solder.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Alrighty. Went through and checked everything out, replaced T1 with the correct size trimmer, and now I get a slightly distorted signal which varies with adjustment of T1. I ordered a 4.7V Zener which MadBean suggests in the build doc as a possible solution.

Does it make sense that I get the same voltages across all the pins of the JFETs?
Quote from: jimilee on May 02, 2018, 12:07:22 AM
Got any pictures of the solder side?

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I haven't cleaned it up yet and I'm hoping to get the right size trimmer today (not sure if that'll make a difference).
Quote from: jimilee on April 29, 2018, 08:38:50 PM
When you calibrate it with T1, you have to turn it in very minute turns. The sweet spot is microscopic, it's easy to miss.

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So I just spent about 30 minutes doing this with no change; could there be something else I'm missing?
Alright so I had more time to write down voltages and do some research:

IC1     1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8
       5.08    5.08   3.45      0          (5-7 oscillate)     9.51   (This seems to be okay, but pin 3 seems a little low)

IC2    Same voltages (5.08V) for pins 1-3, 5-10, and 12-14. Pin 11 is 0 and pin 4 is 9.51

Here's the funky part: JFET (I used four matched 2N5952) are as follows: G      S      D
                                                                                                        5.08   5.08  4.97-5.09
I'm still pretty new to this, but something tells me that's not right.

Q1 voltages are: E       B       C                                        The 5.1 Zener diode voltage is 5.08
                       5.08  4.50   3.33

Any ideas regarding those JFETS?

Uploading a picture; yes T1 is soldered on the other side because I ordered the wrong size for now.
Hi all-

Pretty new to building pedals and circuitry, but I've built a few simple fuzz/distortion/overdrive circuits with no issues. I just finished populating and wiring the Madbean NomNom and was testing before getting it into an enclosure. I'm getting a regular signal through the amp, but there is no phaser effect. I can include a picture if requested, but since it's wired up with alligator clips, it'll be hard to look at (I have't built a testing rig yet). All voltages across the ICs matched with Madbean's project doc, and I'm trying to think if this is just a rookie mistake and I'm missing something super obvious.

I appreciate the help.
