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Messages - VctrEco12

Thanks for the reply Brian!

Yes, it does indeed do it while bypassed as well.  It is also accompanied by a high pitch squeal, whether it is bypassed or not.

Funny enough, I just shuffled around some of my patch cables to see if anything was acting weird on that front, and actually got it to work just fine in the chain.  It seemed that whenever it was connected with one of the flat pancake patch cables, it would have this problem.  But when connected with just the standard right angle cables, it works just fine.  Not sure if that could shed any light on it, but regardless I have got it working!
Hello everyone!  First post I've made, so I hope I am doing it in the correct place.

I recently just finished building a Queen of Bone 2 and it works and sounds perfect when I plug into it by itself.  But when I went to add it into my signal chain on my board, it seems to be affecting the other pedals.  My clean tone becomes incredibly bassy, and it makes any dirt pedal about three times as loud and fuzzy.  It also messes with my tuning pedal (when the QoB is in the chain, no matter what string I hit, the tuning pedal says A#, then "freezes" on that and won't go away).  Once I take it back out of the chain, everything goes perfectly back to normal.  Both the stomp switches also pop significantly when in the chain, but not while on its own.

Anybody have any sort of idea if the pedal is causing these problems and what might be the reason why?