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Messages - samsagreg

Thanks a lot!! Yahoo67 ;D
I bought Shark fin pcb about 3 or 4 month ago.
At that time I was busy.
Now I have a time to build that.
But there is no PDF guide file. ' ???
Where can I find it?
Problem solved!

Fake MN3007.
That was the problem.

Banzai Music's 3007 is worked.
Collosalus is wonderful.
It turns into various flange tones.

Anyway NFX, eldzsi, 
Thank you for your attention.^^
Thanks, eldzsi
I checked C22, C22 is not go to ground.
and I've tried to remove c22, but flange was not working.
Anyway Thanks.^^

I've changed  C21, 6, 28, 15 to non-bipolar caps,
But still doesn't work. not change.
Thanks NFX
I have set the feedback trim pot.
And I have resoldered 7815 and check to be connected GND. not connected pin 1 and 2 and 3 (7815's).
I tested that, not change. still no flange and noise.

And I don't have non-bipolar caps now.
So if I have them, I will change, then will report the situation.
Anyway Thanks a lot ^^.
Collosalus ver.2015 (C22 is not connected to GND in My PCB)

I completed this about 2 week ago.
But flange effect didn't work.

I'm not sure 'MN3007 is not fake'.

first MN3007 is Ebay Chinese seller's.

Ebay Chinese seller's MN3007(5ea) is junk I think.
No flange sound,Just no effecting guitar sound.
when install the chinese 3007, voltage value was changed.(Voltage of all pins became down)

Then I installed Ebay English seller's 3007(2ea).
It wasn't changed voltage value, but it made bigger noise than guitar sound.(Like BOO~~~~~~OOO~~)
and it heat too much. hotter than 7815.

Now I am waiting to arrive another MN3007(GmbH: Banzai Music's).
Where do you buy MN3007? Do you know GmbH's one is working?

Now I think '3007 is trouble'.
but I'm not sure.

So could you advice something about my problem?

I checked IC Voltage value. (English seller's MN3007)

IC1,IC2,IC3,IC5 is almost same volatage value.

IC4 JRC4558D         Correct Voltage
1- 12.69                  7.06
2- 12.69                  7.06
3- 12.60                  6.99
4- 0                         0
5- 7.42                    7.38
6- 7.54                    7.41
7- 7.51                    7.41
8- 14.91                  14.82
Pin1,2,3 have different voltage
So I checked Pin3-> R26, R47, R27. They was right value.(R26 = R47 = 470K, R27 = 100K)
I don't know why, I tried to change other Jrc4558, rc4558, KIA4558.
Pin1,2,3 were similar value in any OPAMP.

Just pin5 was different. It was 7.45V. Guide value is 0V.
So I checked schematics, Pin2 is connected Pin5, so I think it's not problem.(Pin2 voltage was correct)

IC7 7815       correct Voltage 
1- 17.8                 21.8
2- 0                      0
3- 14.92               14.82
(I used 9V power, so I guess this is reason for difference.)

IC8 LT1054     correct Voltage 
1- 1.41              1.42
2- 4.95              6.33
3- 0                   0
4- 5.6m             7m
5- 0                  100m
6- 2.5               2.34
7- 1.4               1.46
8- 9                  12
(I used 9V power, so I guess this is reason for difference.)

IC9 MN3007     Correct Voltage
1- 14.91            14.81   
2- 7.14              7.37
3- 6.25              6.12
4- 1.5                1.54
5- 0                   0
6- 7.2                7.37
7- 14.73            4.7~5.67
8- 14.73            4.7~5.67
I set Pin3 Voltage 6.25v.(I set the Bias trimmer.)

Pin 7,8 was incorrent value. And it was the same value when uninstall 3007.
So I tried to change R33=47K.
when R33 is 10M, Pin7,8 voltage was 5.3V. But flange was not working(Chinese one didn't working too.)