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Messages - SuperBaz

Thanks Scruffie, much obliged.
I shall post a pic once the faceplate is lazered.
Blimey that was quick, and accurate too. As you've no doubt guessed, I have put 6K8 in those three positions. I shall replace and see what happens!
Back soon.
Hi there. Having successfully built a Total Recall, I have attempted another. In this case it's actually a rack mounted, dual mono or stereo linkable version for studio use, ie. 2 boards.
I'm getting high pitch squeal and very distorted sound when calibrating IC6. No clean delay.
Voltages are good at the regulator. I've measured all voltages on IC1 through 9 and there is only one notable difference (same on both boards) - IC2 pin 7 is -12.23 rather than -4.71. On IC5, pins 5,6 and 7 are a little low (-5.95). Other than that, all is as it should be.
Given that I have a working version, I have tested the NE570 and CD4047 in it and they are ok.

Any suggestions? Please note that though I've built lots of pedals, and some studio compressors, I have no knowledge of electronics. I can follow instructions though!
Thanks in advance.
Open Discussion / Re: MN3005 from JRR
March 06, 2018, 10:08:23 PM
Go Cabintech. Contacted them about it and got an immediate reply. Problem was fixed and the shipping rate was the cheapest I've ever seen from anywhere. Great service.
Here comes the stereo linkable rackmount DMM...
Open Discussion / Re: MN3005 from JRR
March 04, 2018, 11:07:26 PM
Actually, Cabintech want US$50 to ship to little old New Zealand. Perhaps not.
Open Discussion / Re: MN3005 from JRR
March 04, 2018, 09:30:18 PM
Excellent. Cabintech it is.
Open Discussion / MN3005 from JRR
March 04, 2018, 08:23:52 AM
Smallbear are out of MN3005.
This place sells them -
Has anyone bought these through JRR? And if so, are they genuine?