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Messages - osprey

Hmmm...  Now that I tried backing off the 9V again I get a (naturally) dirtier repeat but no more issues with the "ggggkkk" distortion.  Is it a bad thing to run it at 9V after having made the R14 and R15 adjustments to 33k?  Is there a voltage to watch for on the compander pins to tell me if I'm running something unsustainably? 
Thanks!  I found a wall wart hanging around that measure 14.6V.  So I replaced r14 and r15 with 33k and C10 is not 100nF.  It works great now under heavy boost.  Maybe a bit too clean now, lol.  :P 
Thanks!  How do you easily get 15V?  My other project I've always used charge pumps for tailored voltage.  I wonder if I can use 18V from my pedal power supply somehow. 

I've read the most recent distortion related thread on the Aquaboy.  Here are some observations/questions. 

1) The only value of C10 that would eliminate the "ggggkkkk" described in the other thread under heavy string attack when running a clean boost was 47nF.  Any thoughts on this relative to how well the DM-2 handles heavy clean boosting on the front end?  PS -- I tried the Coolaudio compander as well as a vintage 570 I pulled out of a rack mount. 

2) Are there any well known values that can be tweaked to get some distortion out of the high end of the repeats?  From what I understand there's some transistor-driven filtering that goes on.  Can said filtering be tweaked through experimenting with certain component values? 
