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Messages - mathbrook

I would ask him what tonal qualities of guitar he wants on bass? Does he simply want an octave up? if so, a greenringer or something won't really work, i've stuck my bass through one and it can sound cool but it wont actually get you an octave up like a proper pitch shifter (pog, whammy)
if he does just want the octave up i dont know of any diy circuit which actually do that
I just graduated high school and started taking adderall when i was in 8th grade.
At first it improved my performance a lot, and for the most part it did, but one problem that arose was when i started playing guitar and making pedals  ;D When i take adderall it makes me focus, but i wont magically do my homework. instead i'd spend entire nights soldering or playing
Also i do have problems eating, it was very bad at first but it gets better quickly, the trouble (for me at least) was eating stuff like chicken breast, rice, which aren't very tasty.
It makes you behave differently in my experience, you get irritated more easily and there are ticks, for instance ill have a very tense jaw and clench my teeth.
I took 20mg extended release, went down to 15 because i thought it was hurting my social life, then went back up to 20 because i was failing in school
Tl;DR: I think medication is worth it