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Messages - drumefecks

You guys are awsome! Thank you for your help!
How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / Aquaboy Build Help
April 04, 2017, 09:46:38 PM
Hi all!

I am new to pedal building and I am taking on the aquaboy build (2016 Version) and had some questions about buying components. I do know that this build is not for novice pedal builders, but, I do have some electrical background, studying for my EE undergrad (Junior/Senior). When it comes to buying components, I never got experience with what parts are best for what in terms of dimensions, tolerances, and benifits of certain materials over others. Anyways, here are my questions:

Here is my cart at Digikey for reference:

- What tolerances for R and C are OK? I am going for lower tolerances wherever possible. Will the board still produce the same sound if I cheap out for higher tolerances?? Also, do all of the tolerances have to be the same, or can a few resistors be 5% and others be 1%?

- Difference between Ceramic/MLCC capacitors?? Tantalum Caps?? (I read somewhere that these are not good for audio applications)

- I am not sure if the dimensions for the caps I have in my cart will be OK. If not to much trouble could someone maybe check one of them from my cart?

- How are the XVive MN3005 chips with the coolaudio V571D chips? Close to the originals??

I am buying the MN3005 and V571D from small bear and I found a 22k trim pot at mouser electronics. Also, I bought the PCB from the madbean website.

AND one more question for future reference:

- When calibrating the delay with a scope, what should I be looking for? For the CLOCK it says to adjust until frequency is around 6-7kHz, but for the BIAS trim, what would I look for? Also for the CANCEL trim. We have function generators at school, could I use these to adjust the delay?

Sorry for all of the questions, I just want to make sure I buy the right stuff before I place an order and realize I got the wrong size/type.