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Messages - pleasantbullet83

I just finished this pedal this week. I used an etching layout for a crunch box from another site. But used the mad bean turnabout values instead.

Here's a few of the things i did slightly different for my build.
1. B10K instead of C10K for tone pot
2. LED clipping only, no switching option.
3. TL082 Opamp, instead of LM833. (waiting til i need to order more parts)

I used spare parts, cheap ceramic caps, and cheap electrolytics and the pedal sounds unreal.

I did try a number of different opamps, most sound good in it with just sublte differences, i dont think you can do any wrong using any dual opamp, but i Liked the TL082 the best, considering i didn't have the 833.

This pedal is pretty unreal. the pedal really shines the best with the gain is between 50-75%.

The pick attack is so nice very believable tube sound. I tested it thru my Fender blues Deluxe, and it makes it sound like a marshall stack.
Definitely going to keep this pedal in use.