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Messages - njschneider2

General Questions / Re: Sharkfin Tonesuck in S/H Mode?
December 19, 2016, 04:47:58 PM
Thanks you two.

Sorry for the lack of description. I'll try to post a vid tonight.

I meant, during certain steps of the filter the sound becomes dark/highs are being rolled off. It sounds like the equivalent of rolling the tone knob on my Tele all the way down.

I'm pretty new to this pedal, and filters in general, so it sounds like it's the nature of the circuit.

I will say, though, that I am absolutely loving the pedal. Particularly the sample/hold mode!
General Questions / Sharkfin Tonesuck in S/H Mode?
December 15, 2016, 05:20:31 PM
I recently finished my Sharkfin build, and I'm loving it. I noticed a couple of things when in sample/hold mode, though, and I'm wondering if anyone has had the same results.

First, there seems to be a tone suck. Maybe putting a boost or tone shaping pedal before hand might help?

Second, there seems to be some harshness to the peaks of the wave. I'll try to post a clip to provide more context.

Not sure if these things are the nature of the Maestro FSH circuit, or if I have done something wrong with my build.