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Messages - texasguitar903

Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Glam problems
January 23, 2017, 11:46:42 PM
after re-flow all pins are showing correct voltage except pin 13, I'll reflow that pin in a while
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Glam problems
January 23, 2017, 01:40:23 AM
I just checked voltages on IC1, it's referred to as IC2 in the tech notes:
Pin 11=3.7v
pin 13=87milivolts
pin 14=104millivolts
pin15 = 71millivolts
these are the only pins way outta spec 2.51v
the rest are within +/-.05 volts
Tech Help - Projects Page / Glam problems
January 20, 2017, 03:27:24 AM
I just finished the GLAM and I'm not happy with the sound of it. I checked all my solders and resistors but it just sounds dull and sounds more like a tremolo effect than a chorus. It also has a latency like 50ms, so much that its hard to play and stay in beat.
The only thing I can think of is I used  an electrolytic cap instead of tantalum for C11. I have the pedal biased at 5.99 volts.
I'm having the same problem, using bc550 transistors. I've hooked the pcb up to my breadboard and tried using different pots. Even wiring  the volume 2 and 3 together didn't produce much volume. I did used a 500k pot for the bias since a 50k wouldn't get the voltage down past 7 or so if that makes any difference