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Messages - kdmr

General Questions / SANITY CHECK: CB30 clone
March 21, 2018, 12:38:23 AM
cloning a CB30 and I've built a few in the past but damned if this thing isn't getting under my skin. I want to believe i've got shoddy transistors but I can't find my documented working voltages. Losing signal strength at the Q1D/Q2S junction. The circuit passes signal through but i know what its supposed to sound like and this aint it. 2N5457, 12v Meanwell switching supply.
Pin voltages (DSG):
Q1: 8.08 / 2.28 / 0
Q2: 12 / 8.08 / 4.09
Q3: 7.91 / 2.34 / 0
Q4: 12 / 7.91 / 4.05
Q5: 12 / 9.58 / 2.88

Obviously the drains on Q1/Q3 are well above the target, but I'm assuming this is due to running at 12v which I haven't had issues with in the past. Running at 9v gives about 6v on the Q1/Q3 drains. Anyone have working voltages that I can use to cross reference?
Hey all, I've got a v1 cavedweller board that I'm going to do a project with and while I'm getting all my ideas on paper before the build I'm wondering if anyone out there has experience with the datasheet applications for the chip. Specifically I'm looking for delay vs reverb applications. I'd like to use the cave dweller for only repeats (no dry signal thru) and am hoping it's as easy as removing the resistor/capacitor bridging the two LPF stages, as this seems to be one primary difference in Princeton's delay and reverb applications. I know, I's two components, I should just try it, but I'm a stickler for completely visualizing a new project before starting so I dont end up down the rabbit hole.
General Questions / Glam PT2399 LPF - losing signal
October 22, 2016, 04:01:52 PM
I'm building a glam chorus and I'm losing signal at pins 14 and 16. Voltages check out in the LFO and on the 2399 within reasonable variation. I've audio probed the signal path and retain signal to pins 13 and 15 (lpf ins). Checked the caps around the 2399 and everything seems fine. Auditioned about 4 chips and the problem persists for each. Chip removal results in signal retention at the output, albeit very attenuated. Scratching my head on this one. Any ideas?