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Messages - Ward

Build Reports / Re: My take on the Sunking
January 18, 2013, 10:30:46 PM
Quote from: Cortexturizer on January 18, 2013, 01:18:04 PM

"To increase bass on the dirt side, try upping the values of C6 and C7. 100n for C6 and 150n for C7.

On the clean side, increase C4 to 220n."

So you can try that.

With my build I may try changing the 3n9 for some higher value, but that's about it.
Thanks man, I'll give it a try, mind you, I've never heard that you could effect the tone of the clean AND the dirt separately so if this can be done it will be very interesting. I don't want the clean to change one bit, only add some bass to the full gain setting BUT again that could muff out the tone as well but I'll start with C7 n see how it sounds, I'm happy with the treble side of things, the tone control works well. Thanks.
Quote from: carpediemgr on January 18, 2013, 09:19:43 PM
Hi guyw and have a happy new year , i built one of this pedal for a friend  and i have a very unusual problem , the pedal woks great on my hiwatt ( i used TL072CN ) but when my friend try to play it on his amps ( a marshall and a mesaboogie) the pedal works great when in buffer mode but when engaged it has a very big hum and noise when he just open a bit of the volume .

have any of you experianced any similar prolem ?

thank you very much
Is your friend powering the pedal with a wart different to how you power it? Some warts can induce a hum from hell. Try it with a battery if you haven't already, if you have, then I'm out.
Build Reports / Re: My take on the Sunking
January 17, 2013, 09:42:34 PM
That's a seriously good lookin pedal dude. The sound clip I like too, is that just the Klon?
I've been playing mine for a few hours now ( different sessions, JTM45 clone and 4x12 pre rolas) I think as a clean boost it is as good as I've heard and have no complaints, I love it with the strat, (that and P90s are all I play) with the gain on full but I have to dial in more bass on the amp to get it sounding to my liking, then when I bypass the pedal the amp is way too bassy, so for live the full gain setting would be a PITA for sure, for recording it's killer and as a clean boost it works great with the un pedalled amp settings. Pedals, love em, hate em.
Quote from: Cortexturizer on January 16, 2013, 01:21:14 PM

I immediately messaged the forum member Ward that had EXACTLY the same problem as I had, and today he told me that he got his going in full as well. Yay!

Yes indeed, thanks again Cort, it has been a year and a half since I threw the pedal in a box and wrote it off as something I would never fix. I had the wrong charge pump apparently but even after finally ( 3rd time lucky ) acquiring the correct chip the problem was still there. For some reason which I have no memory of why, I had put one NE chip in there along with one TL072, no idea why I did that but after I swapped it out the thing works right now. Who'd av thunk it.
Just an update, thanks to sprayfe and bigmufffuzzwizz for the offer to send me over a chip or two however I am trying one last time with ebay, they are priced well and I ordered 6 so we'll see if I finally get the right ones. They are coming from good ol China ;D I emailed and he? reckons he has what I need. Thanks again.
Quote from: bigmufffuzzwizz on May 24, 2011, 10:07:47 PM
Ive offered to do that before too and if anyone ever needs it just ask. I would never pay 40 dollars shipping for a few chips and theirs no reason you should either.
Thanks mate, we'll see how I go. I must say, even with all the hiss, as a clean boost this is the best pedal ever, really stays true to the amp's thing. At the moment I'm using IN914 clippers as well.
Hey guys, I've been getting them off ebay, there's not a lot out there on the bay, actually I think I'm really kidding myself looking on ebay. The last lot I got, I got two, they were listed as SCPA and they get here and they're CPA. I had a look at Mouser, $1.50 each, ( I paid $20 for two shipped to Australia from ebay member "Littlediode Ltd" from the UK, they did refund me though so that's something) but Mouser wants $42 shipping, forget that.
Quote from: sprayfe on May 24, 2011, 09:49:40 PM
Yeah man, if you need me to pick you up a few legit chips from mouser, I can send ya some.
Man that would be great if you could get me say 5 and post them over to Australia via 1st class int mail, please pm me if you are ok with that and give me your paypal addy and a price, I'm more than happy to add a few bucks for your trouble. Cheers, Nic.
So I ordered the ICL7660 SCPA and received ICL7660 CPA. I put it in and now I can have the gain pot off without the squeal but there is a faint high pitch oscillation and the thing is a box of snakes, the hiss is ridiculous with gain off, vol and tone at noon. So did I get the wrong chip yet again and with the correct chip will the hiss return to acceptable levels considering I have it set as a small amount of clean boost?
Quote from: bigmufffuzzwizz on May 18, 2011, 11:18:36 PM
Quote from: Ward on May 18, 2011, 09:33:01 PM
Well now we need to hear from you guys and how you like it. I hope I haven't dug my grave with this one :D

I got a neutrino board in a big pcb buy I did so I might as well take your suggestion and build this one to black specs, especially with the passion you expressed!  ;D
I'm curious, what chip did you use originally that you didn't really like? I noticed the doc says you can put a Burr Brown OPA2134 chip in there and also JRC4558. I'm thinking the OPA2134 will sound really good!!
I put the LM1458 as per the spec sheet. After I put in the NE chip I left well alone, of course you can exp with whatever you like, I'm just saying that the NE chip did it for me and the difference was very noticeable compared to the LM chip. I don't like the burr brown chip much but you can try it, I like it in the GE-7 where you want max clarity. At the time I posted the original post I was very passionate indeed. I'd just come from one of those playing sessions where it all went right, the next day things weren't quite as wonderful. You need to be in the right mood to enjoy playing guitar whether it be the Neutrino or anything else IMO. As I'm a single coil guy mostly I do find the Neutrino is pretty full on and because of that I think you need to be in a full on kind of mood to take advantage of the pedal.
Well now we need to hear from you guys and how you like it. I hope I haven't dug my grave with this one :D
Rightio mate, thanks, I'll have to hunt one down.
Hi, I just finished the Sunking, every thing seems to work as it should except if I turn the gain pot all the way off it squeals like a pig, if I turn the pot up to maybe 1 it stops squealing. I am using the Max 1044 CPA, not sure if it could be the chip, why the squeal only when the gain pot is off?
EDIT: brff, far out, I just noticed that it does it even with the pedal off.

Edit 2: The racket occurs when I touch gain 1 lugs 1 and 2 together which is the same as having the pot full off if that helps anyone, that's the best I can do.
Here's my thoughts on the Burst Vs Black spec if interested.
Build Reports / Neutrino, Burst Vs Black spec.
May 13, 2011, 02:15:18 AM
Well I'm not gonna post pics, I just want to say what I think the differences are between the Burst and Black version. I was looking around and couldn't find anything that actually said anything about the differences.
Well there are a lot of Burst users here and a lot seem to really like it. I didn't like it one bit, I think it's just too gainy and too hissy, I thought there was little to no articulation and that immediately rules out this pedal for me.
I tried in through a JTM45 clone that I built both with single coil and humbucker guitars. With the humbucker I thought it was a rude annoying racket of swill. Of course, I'm looking for a pedal that sounds great with the amp turned up, when I put the amp on 2 it was better but still no cigar.
So today I swapped it to the Black spec:
I think this is way better, a bit more articulation and still plenty of gain but the beautiful JTM45 was robbed of what makes it a great amp, without going too much into that, the pedal made the amp sound hard, not harsh but hard, if you've ever played a JTM-45 you will know all about the softness in the feel and this is what makes it such a great amp. The Black just sounded and felt hard.
I read somewhere around here that someone replaced the chip in the Burst with a NE5532, well I tried that chip in the Burst and thought it just mushed everything up but decided to try it again now that it was the Black version.  :o :o :o
The Black version to me with the NE5532 is everything I ever wanted in a pedal, the amp now retains it's feel and now the pedal just pushes the amp further into the best drive tones AND feel that I've ever experienced and I'm 57 so I've been searching for ah, a long time.
I urge anyone who has the Black version to try the NE5532. I only played a strat through it so far and was getting some fantastic tone and feel. It's impossible to describe. Maybe someone else can try the chip and let us know what you think but for me, without the chip I wouldn't have kept the pedal.
Sorry to all those who like the Burst and the stock Black. I guess I should finish up by just comparing the two?
Well the Black still has quite a lot of gain, but is a little more articulate, oh and another thing I found with the stock Black, when I rolled the guitar volume back the tone got cleaner alright but lost body and sounded very bland/bad, with the new chip this didn't happen. Build the Black with the NE chip and you'll know why I'm so over the moon about it. In comparing the Burst to the Black, I say why bother, the way to go is with the Black and the NE chip.  ;D
Right, a very hard fix but I found the problem eventually. I didn't have a 5k pot for the tone so I used a 10k and I put a 10k resistor across the outer lugs, I didn't put the resistor ends through the lugs but through the holes where the lugs connect to the pot and soldered from underneath, after cutting off the excess I thought no more about it, those cut off bits were shorting to the enclosure, so I put a fiber washer under the pot and all is good.  ::) ::) ::)
I now need to hear how the black version sounds so tomorrow I'll be swapping out parts.