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Messages - edlofau

General Questions / Re: UPROAR
May 05, 2011, 09:11:50 PM
Thanks brian,
I tried with different caps 100, 200, 36n.... with negative results, I use JRC4558 intead 4580 opamp, i don´t know wether a diference in impedance input or something, could be the problem, I guess not. Ive noticed gain POT doesn´t make a considerable effect...

General Questions / UPROAR
May 05, 2011, 04:57:10 PM
I have problems with C5 (100nF) in UPROAR model. It seems to be cutting the signal little by little until nothing pass to next stage (IC1B). If I shortcut it, the signal doesn´t dissapear but i got lot of noise. I am using an MKT standard, not a Panasonic ECQ, could it be the root of the problem? How critic is the type of capacitor in the design?
Thanks friends!