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I can help. Just shoot me a pm.
The order includes everything, i.e. a complete Wah. They just don't garantee that it works. Most reports I have read said that it worked right out of the box anyway.
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Smoothie Mod Help
January 24, 2013, 09:51:18 AM
It's C2  & C3. See the modified schematic by Justin Philpott here:
Open Discussion / Re: I don't know what this means!!!
January 03, 2013, 05:15:30 PM
You guys took off in the wrong direction. I bet your potential customer is a bass player. And active electronics for basses come in 2 flavours: 9V or powered by 2 batteries at 18V. So in bass player slang you either have a 9V pre or a 18V pre. Dig it?

The standard wooly mammoth is known to have problems with active electronics. These come from 2 sources. One being the low output impedance of such electronics and in some cases, especially with 18V preamps, the output signal level of active basses.

So the guy simply wants to know if your sabertooth will play nice with his active bass.

Hope I could help.
short answer: yes
Build Reports / Re: A few of my builds, hello!
August 04, 2012, 08:53:42 AM
I agree, a RAT sounds great on bass!

Instead of the pre-gain pot you could also replace the second feedback resistor with a 1K pot. This is what fuzzrocious does on his Rat Tail and Bassplayers seem to dig it.