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Messages - plush

Quote from: Boba7 on February 01, 2017, 11:17:29 AM

Oh yeah you're right... sorry I couldn't help much. Did you try a tl062 or tl022 instead of 072 for the lfo?

It uses LM324 for the LFO, not 072s.
I've tried 3 different 324, with no success.
Quote from: Boba7 on February 01, 2017, 10:23:19 AM
But it wouldnt be difficult to just take out the rate pot of under the jack and see if the ticking goes away.

And the dust caps protect from contact, but won't do anything again lfo ticking or other interferences.

Hope you get rid of the ticking!!

Even knowing that it won't help, I took everything out. Nothing has changed.

Dust caps... I was not talking about dust caps, but about the potentiometer body. It is made of metal and acts as a shield when connected to the grounded enclosure.

I appreciate your willing to help.
Quote from: Boba7 on February 01, 2017, 07:18:10 AM
Could make a difference I think.

Why should it? The pots are screened. They can't be a source of interference.
Quote from: Scruffie on January 27, 2017, 10:59:48 AM

How neat is your wiring? If it's happening in bypass that suggests to me your rate pot or other LFO wires might be passing by something carrying signal.

But, you can try adding a large electro (22-100u) across the 324 power pins as close to the actual chip as physically possible, positive to pin 4, negative to pin 11.

I don't think there is something with my wiring.
There is also no unwiped rosin or solder bridges or ground loops and etc.

I simply plug the pedal into my amp and switch it to high gain channel and lfo ticking appears. When i switch it to clean channel, lfo ticking disappears.

This made me think that there is smth with my amp (mark V:25). To check it, I plugged the pedal into my slo100 and experienced the same thing.

I've also tried to put some kind of overdrive or dist after gravity wave and then plug it into my clean amp. As expected, lfo ticking appeared as soon as the drive pedal was engaged. Fun thing, there is no ticking when drive pedal is placed before the chorus.

I tried to power the pedal with both 9v battery and isolated power supplies (trex chameleon, cioks coikolate) with the same results.

Unfortunately, capacitor trick also did not work.

Sorry for my english.

Crappy gutshot attached:

Hi guys,

Any ideas how to get rid of lfo ticking noise? It persists even when the pedal is turned off.
