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Messages - matiasbatty

Bean thank you very much!

I want to protect any high voltages on some processors that are not regulated.
Some claim to be 9v. but give 11v. or 12v.
This would serve me right?
Hello! I have one question, how many watts should be 9.1V Zener diode to protect the MAX1044 boneyard??
1/2W. ok??
Or better put one of 1W??

Thank you very much!
Hello, I created two more boneyard and have had no problems beep. I'll redo the pcb that beep full cap may be some in which some coupling this filtering.

Sorry for my English  ;D
Thank you very much, now I'll check the threads.
What strikes me is that with the other mic positions I have no problems, only appears the beep with the bridge pickup

Hello, I've built other and I never had happened.
I have a Whistle in the high gain channel when I put the pickup in the bridge single coil strat
I used the modified version and a MAX1044

Any solution?

Thank you!
Great demo! I love the clapton guitar style!!  ;)
Quote from: kinski on April 13, 2012, 12:38:50 AM
I placed an order from them. Extremely fast and cheap! DCs, knobs, caps, resistors and 3PDTs are equal to anything I've gotten from PPP, Mouser, and SB.

Only problem was they forgot a pack of 5 capacitors. Luckily, then are an easy to find value, so I had some extras already. PPP and SB have also forgotten parts. Mouser is the only place that has never screwed up an order.

Hello, to me has been the same but then they sent me what he had missed, send an email explaining the situation that is sure to send back what has been missing.

P. S. sorry for my English  ;D