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Messages - eddalexandre

Where do I get the project from? Any hint?
General Questions / Re: Has anyone built the Turnabout?
September 16, 2016, 06:46:39 PM
Quote from: mattlee0037 on September 15, 2016, 09:38:33 PM
Verified just means someone built it using that layout or PCB and has confirmed it works. He's saying if you want to use a layout that is known to work you can use the tagboard vero layout

General Questions / Re: Has anyone built the Turnabout?
September 15, 2016, 02:02:21 PM
Quote from: sonnyboy27 on September 14, 2016, 07:59:22 PM
Maybe the etched board hasn't been verified yet. The vero layout on tagboardeffects has been though if you want to give that a go.

How can I "give that a go"? Any orientation on how to do this verification procedure? Tks!
General Questions / Re: Has anyone built the Turnabout?
September 14, 2016, 07:48:07 PM
Great, guys! So why is still marked as not verified project on madbeam?
General Questions / Re: Has anyone built the Turnabout?
September 06, 2016, 05:48:03 PM
Nice! Thanks, man!

Quote from: Adam_MD on September 05, 2016, 06:27:37 PM
I built it on Vero and it sounds mega.  I don't really use the other two settings just the led clipping. 
General Questions / Has anyone built the Turnabout?
September 05, 2016, 05:36:36 PM
Hey! Has anyone tried to build the Angry Charlie Clone - Turnabout? If so, how did that sounded like? Why is still not verified? Tks!
So much thanks, man!!
Só, what u mean is that the projecto doesn't have a state (I/O) indicator LED? Do u think it is ok if I add one? Txs!
Hey, guys. As I mentioned before, I am building a Turnabout - Angry Charlie clone, from MadBeam. I noticed that at the projecto there are 2 LEDs. Sure, one is for the state indication (I/O). But what is the second LED for? Tkx for your help!
Brazil! Lol...
Hello, everyone. I am having a hard time finding the BAT41 in my area for the Turnabout DIY project - we need 3. Does anyone know if there are substitute for it? Or a similar piece? Thank you very much!