Quote from: TNblueshawk on February 06, 2019, 08:43:34 PM
If you have a couple of SAD1024's like I do can I just swap out the MN3007 or do some other tweaks have to be made? How about the MN3006 as well? Can I just swap it out for one without additional tweaks?
Definitely don't do this. They have different pinouts and numbers of pins, but more importantly they have opposite polarities and you could fry the chip. The MN3007 uses P-MOS devices and requires a negative supply voltage, while the MN3207 and SAD1024 are N-MOS and use a positive supply (but the voltage requirements are different too: the MN3207 wants max +10V and the SAD1024 is supposed to operate off +15V). Someone more expert than me with analog delays, flangers etc will have to tell you more about the differences in clocks, signal filtering, etc, between circuits using the different devices.