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Messages - bigzed

I also put a 4.7uf for C20 (+ side to pin 12 on the lm324) Slows it down to a more manageable level.
I am definitely getting slap back on the Dimension control with this mod as per the demo.
Or to make it easier....remove the 0 from C9 and put it on R9!!!
I put it all back again and changed the cap from 330n to 33n but It still needs the 10K resistor for R9 to stop the whining! But changing the 330n cap to 33n really increases the reverb....a lot!!!

So to recap change R9 to 10k and the 330n cap to 33n leave everything else as is and it really works well. Well done Scruffie!
#5 i replaced all the changes I made 50k back to 5k pot, 120k to 8k2 R10 and removed the link 10k resistor and 1uf pot..

So back to square 1 and the whining is back as it was to begin with. I then changed the 1k R9 to a 10K and the whining stopped but the reverb was weak so I also changed  the 33K R7/8 resistors to 10k each and that seemed to increased the reverb. I think now it is exactly the same as the video demo. So with these changes I'd consider this Verified!
I wondered about the C9 too! You are correct about R10 changing other stuff, that's why the mod using a 10k res and 1uf cap from pin 2 of the opamp to lug 3 of the dim was required and put the reverb back.
Reducing the R7/R8 values would that alone solve the Dim pot issues?
Hi Guys, I'm from the UK and love building pedals especially challenging ones with a worthwhile outcome and this is certainly one of them!

I had all the defects described in this forum regarding the Dim pot. I eventually got around the problem with the help from Ciaran from Guitar FX Layouts and this is what I did..

I changed the 5k Dim pot to a 50k, R10 8K2 changed to a 120K (any lower value and the whining was still present). On the fly I also added a 10k resistor from pin 2 of the opamp to + leg of a 1uf Cap and - leg to the Dim 3 lug row..bit unsightly but it seems to work. I do have a small amount of controllable reverb on the Dim but the whining and motor boating have gone and the pedal works and sounds great. I know this is a big change from the Gravity Wave schematic but I can't see how else to overcome the issues.
If anyone ones else finds a better solution I'd be very interested?