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Messages - ksenanekro

Open Discussion / Re: mn3207 in place of mn3007
January 10, 2021, 08:58:58 PM
ok...i see...
i just hoped it would work...

is it also cause 3207 workes with 9V?
i've read the pork barrel pdf and that gave hope...if i could design a new layout would it be possible?
Open Discussion / mn3207 in place of mn3007
January 10, 2021, 04:16:17 PM
hello there people!
i've searched everywhere in the forum, and couldn't find anything that could help me.

i was wantering what should i change in rustbucket schematic/board in order to make it work with the more available 3207 chips.

i've made a small clone using 3207 in place of 3007, but in rustbucket i have no clue how i could do that.

General Questions / Re: collosalus with 7660s???
October 31, 2016, 06:24:01 PM
yeap that's what i thought...thanks mate...i guess i'll wait for the 1054..
General Questions / collosalus with 7660s???
October 30, 2016, 09:10:46 PM
would this beast work with a 7660s voltage doubler? or the amps will not be enough? i think i know the answer, but i would like a second opinion. i'm out of 1054 so...
thanks anyway
General Questions / Re: rust me crazy...
October 16, 2016, 03:45:37 PM
thanks guys!
you caught it m-Kresol! that was the only mistake on the layout, and i found it out while i was soldering that resistor! i forgot to update the layout.
now it's done!

you can find pics of my build here

General Questions / Re: rust me crazy...
October 16, 2016, 11:19:09 AM
nevermind! consider this verified. i 've changed all ics and transistors and now it works!yeaaahhhh!!!!
i guess something gone bad yesterday and burned an ic or something, but today with fresh eyes i made it! the whole projekt took me at about 8 hours building and 20 debugging...
General Questions / rust me crazy...
October 16, 2016, 07:21:52 AM
hi there guys.
i love veroboards. and i wanted to make the rust bucket with just a single 13700 chip
i drew and build this

first of all i am an experienced vero builder and layout drawer.

my problem here is the power supply. i tried a laptops 19V power supply, and i blew up a regulator(on breadboard).
so i tried this board as a power supply daughter board, using a lt1054 and a 9V one spot power supply.

when i measured the voltages on the daughter board before connecting it on the main board, i was able to get +17/0/-17V.
but when i connected it on the board, i was getting +10/0/-2,5V
the lt1054 got a bit hot too.
i desoldered the supply board to check if it still works, and it does without any problems.
there are no unwanted bridges anywhere,mostly between the supply rails.
got any ideas?