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Messages - cleaninglady

Thanks Dan, have you built the Freekout and have you come across dodgy ICL8038's ? Would these chips be fried if they received reverse voltage ? I think i made a mistake at some point during the Freekout build.
I have seen these chips either very cheap or very expensive on fleabay, the only site i saw it on was Futurlec and they want $25USD for ICL8038__JD. Whereas , 10 x ICL8038CCPD can be had for around $5USD>

What are others experiences ?
yes, i was thinking that. maybe i should try Mouser.
I'm building a couple of Freekout right now and have had two AD633 cause this same thing.

Voltages are fine everywhere , i put in all chips except the AD633, still fine.

I put in the AD633 and the LT1054 starts to get hot.

Can anyone chip in on this one ? I got the AD633s off eBay.


I'm using a 18VDC 1.33A Regulated Wart. Do you think Current could be an issue here ?
That's a good point. I think i'll change the tip on the wart.
Thanks all , but i still can't see the difference if i flip the wires on the jack if the jack is not connected at all to the chassis. (Plastic body , non conductive jack).

Am i missing something important here ?
I'm building the Freekout at present and have bought fixed tip Pos Tip power adapters instead of Neg Tip.
This is a general question though, as i have a few to build that may face the same challenge.

If i'm using a power jack that is totally isolated from the chassis , can i just switch the cables and use the Pos. tip adapter ?
Found it on the schematic. 10K ;D
I can't find this in the BOM.

Can someone please let me know the value of R23 ?
It seems the link for downloading the Freekout drill template is broken.

Would someone be kind enough to post it here ?
All working now once i got my head around the power situation. ;D

Chorus and Vibrato Effect is now noticeable and quite good.

The delay and feedback relationship is really nice and the pedal has a sort of life of it's own.

Really glad i kept on with this.

Thanks heaps for your help and thanks to Brian for the PCB's
Thanks , lincolnic !

Also , bizarrely , the inputs and outputs seem only to work if wired opposite to the schematic and build instructions.

When i noticed this and rewired Tip to Tip pads and Sleeve to Sleeve pad at J1 and J2 : nothing.

Do you think a blown 4558 could be the problem with that behaviour ?

I'll get back to it and have another look.
Thanks Brian for your help with the power. :)

It's working now but there are a few things...These are just observations in the hope it will help others if i can get them sorted with the help of the Forum.

I really like the pedal ; it has a life of it's own in some ways , which is great.

* Blend Pot - (using a Linear haven't changed out for Audio taper yet) , the delay signal only kicks in in the last couple of mm near fully CW travel of the pot. Before that it's a boosted version of the input signal and at extreme CCW it sort of cuts out.

* Level - The input signal is turning moving into overdrive / distortion very early in the pot travel. Eventually it overloads the circuit and everything sort of stops.

*Mod - Just doesn't seem to have much effect in either switch setting or when moving the pot.

*Delay - Is working fine.

*Feedback - Highly dependent on the calibration settings but works fine.

I'm mainly using the pedal for synths. I'm wondering whether my Level problem might be because of that.
Maybe i need to do the R2 220K change ?

I'm really not sure how well i calibrated everything and maybe these problems are a direct result of that , hopefully we can thrash it out here.