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Messages - bscur

I'm trying to fix a Carvin 722 monitor and I need to replace a jack on the pcb. Can you identify what part I'd need? I can find any Carvin part sites online to replace the whole PCB, so I'm trying to just find out what the jack is and replace it. The pics of the PCB are attached.
The part I was told was C&K 7411SYZQE. I am doing a mod on a G&L L2000 bass and need a threaded top on a 4PDT On/On/On switch. Any help would be great. I've blown about $80 buying the wrong switches so far.
Thanks again,
How Do I? Beginner's Paradise. / Help with switch tops.
January 06, 2019, 08:27:51 PM
I have destroyed a couple of these now and could use some help. The switches arrive with the straight shaft that has a channel in the side, like in the pic, but the diagram of the same switch shows it should have a threaded top. How do you get the cover off the top to reveal the threaded portion? I tried a wrench, but the whole top just rips off.
The Pork Barrel question made me curious if I could use a Buff N Blend (creates a mix knob) With the Pork Barrel. The GuitarPCB site mentioned trouble if the pedal inverts the phase. Does the Pork Barrel do this? It seems like a good pedal to add this on to.
Thanks for all the advice, I'll look at modding a few of my pedals. The Kraken works great for me with bass, although it has a big volume boost. I get better results with my 3 Leaf GR2 than my Naughty Fish. I did build a Wooly Mammoth Clone that is monstrous and huge, but I don't use it much. I wanted a real gated fuzz bass sound to try and get a synth tone. The Bloviator is really amazing for the bass. Thanks again for the direction.
After a lifetime of guitar, I picked up a bass about a year ago. I had been building a decent amount of pedals for guitar, but learning bass took up that time. So, a year later, I'm curious about pedals for bass. Of the guitar pedals I built, I've found these useful for the bass-
Kraken, Smoothie, Pork Barrel and especially an older 2-knob Bloviator (which I didn't like at all with the guitar). Lots of the pedals didn't really translate, at least to the R&B, blues, funk, classic rock stuff I play.

Oddly, EQ seems to be the biggest effect and tone shaper I'm interested in for bass. So, are there any pedal projects out there for EQ, especially for bass? Also, has anyone switched over to bass and found certain pedals useful from the DIY community? I'd be interested in some pedal versions of preamps if those are out there.
I bought a pre populated Stingray bass 2 band eq , did the offboard wiring and the 1megc reverse audio tone pot works backwards. Any ideas? Turned full clockwise it is most mellow and backed off all the way it is brightest. It is wired as it should be, but I swapped the outside lug wires to see if that would do it, but that didn't work and stopped it from functioning properly. Swapped back, it sounds great, but the tone is going backwards - turned up to 11 delivers the most mellow tone and rolled off gives the most treble boost. Any ideas?
I'm interested in changing the 3band eq on my Stingray into the classic 2 band model. Is there a PCB somewhere for this project?
I've made the move to bass, or at least added that to my playing and I want to build a pedal like the Brown Dog (discontinued) gated fuzz for a synthy bass sound. Are there any good PCB projects out there?
Build Reports / Re: The Temple of Syrinx 6 in 1
December 29, 2016, 03:52:54 PM
You know, I had planned on putting handles on it. I was going to make it look like a futuristic scientific device at first. I bought some brushed chrome u shaped shower handles that would have been really cool on the top sides, but it evolved into more of the album art concept.
Build Reports / Re: Pennyroyal chorus
December 28, 2016, 09:57:37 PM
This looks great. How would you compare the sound with a pork barrel? I'm looking to build another chorus and there don't seem to be too many options.
After my 6 in 1 I decided to finally get back to some pedals for myself. I wrapped up a Bloviator first. This is a stock build that really has an interesting effect. My son is a big H.P. Lovecraft fan, so I joined him this last year in reading many of his stories. Excellent stuff, in the Poe style of verbosity- a perfect bloviator, although I quite enjoyed it. So, the pedal is the cover to one of his books. The knob titles (contour and process) didn't real help me to use it so I just used two geographic location from the writing. The mini LED's as eyes worked out well.

This Civil War Mudbunny is much smoother than the Green Russian version I made earlier. I'm looking forward to experimenting with it.

Build Reports / Re: The Temple of Syrinx 6 in 1
December 24, 2016, 03:29:38 PM
I really do appreciate the advice. I have had to remove several coats of powder coating on previous pedals when they burned. Not fun. The trial and error is much improved with advice like yours. Thanks. Also, have you ever had problems with white labels compared to clear? I find the white ones burn faster and are more temperamental when I apply them. If only I could print in white for black or dark pedals. This one also nearly filed the toaster oven I use in the garage for powder coating pedals, so I was nervous about proximity to the heating elements.
Build Reports / Re: The Temple of Syrinx 6 in 1
December 24, 2016, 08:05:37 AM
Hi, it really is huge. It is a BUD Industries CN-5714 Die Cast Aluminum Enclosure, 10-51/64" Length x 6-7/8" Width x 2-5/8" Height, Natural Finish
I got it on Amazon