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Messages - bigdave

I built mine to spec and I'm having the same issues. Feel like I'm gonna blow my amp at 10:00
Last week i finished a microamp clone and all went well. Today I finished soldering my circuit board for the updated version of the rangemaster here on madbean and all i get with the pedal engaged or not is a loud hum, like i'm holding the end of my cable in my bare hand. I get no guitar signal through whatsoever.

When i connect a wire from the sleeve of the output to pin 1 of my boost pot, i get a bypass signal and i get signal through the PCB and both the switch and pot are functional, but it sounds like horse patooty. I checked all resistor and capacitor values and they all check out except for R3, which is part of the voltage divider for the OC44 transistor. It reads at 33k instead of 470k. I will change this out, but it doesn't explain the constant hum without the added wire. The only difference between my board and the project i've linked to is that i changed the values for the input and output capacitance.

Any ideas? I'm new to troubleshooting so i don't really know where to begin.

Thanks so much,