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Messages - Ben

I would be interested Paul, have a few too many PT2399 projects lying around that need populating.
Quote from: luks999 on May 11, 2015, 03:28:01 PM
does the LED work on slower speed setttings as well?

Not on slower speeds. It starts blinking around 12 o'clock on the speed dial.

Build Reports / Re: Dual overdrive and Afterlife
May 11, 2015, 02:59:31 PM
Really dig those LED bezels. Great job on the builds!
Thanks a lot everyone! Having great fun with this pedal. I am quite looking forward to the Harbinger II as well.

Quote from: luks999 on May 09, 2015, 05:51:49 PM
no light shield?
I'm working on it haha.

Quick update, just installed the LED
My first "Vibe" pedal ever. As usual, sounds spectacular. Really nails Trower.

Large speed knob inspired by another Madbean build report. Initially for aesthetic reasons, I realized that it is very useful to adjust the speed with my foot while standing.
I am still looking something to use as a light box and also thinking about installing a jewel light.

Really fun build! Thanks Madbean! 

Build Reports / Re: Madbean Smoothie w/vibe mod
May 01, 2015, 04:46:43 AM
Thanks for all the kind comments. I think I'll purchase some enclosures from Tayda and try out a few methods to see what I like.
Not having access to a laser printer at home makes things a little difficult.

I decided not to do the rate mod after seeing some videos on YouTube. The flashing LED looked a bit distracting.

Here it is next to it's brother with the mix mod. I'll probably install a 3mm LED on this one.

Build Reports / Re: Madbean Smoothie w/vibe mod
April 29, 2015, 08:56:22 AM
Thanks a lot Steve. I'd actually really like to finish them like nano EHX pedals. I'll have to do some research.

I've almost finish a Harbinger One and I'm eyeing that Laserwolf too. Quite addicting this.
Build Reports / Madbean Smoothie w/vibe mod
April 29, 2015, 07:30:38 AM
The "vibe" mode is pretty subtle, but sounds fantastic. I think it just replaced my Small Stone. The smoothie is a much more subtle effect.

LED not connected yet. I think I will do the rate mod, orange LED in the mail.

Overall an excellent pedal. I am currently finishing a second one with a mix knob (not that it really needs it), may try painting/decals/etching..