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Messages - Puguglybonehead

Open Discussion / Re: The price of speakers
October 26, 2022, 02:24:27 AM
Yeah, speakers (esp Eminence) have been going up in price like bread has. Does the Weston family have some of their money in speakers?
Nevermind. Got it sorted. (more searching the forum) R16 (on both versions) to lift the dry signal.
I have an old Current Lover board (not exactly current anymore) that is still only partially completed. I figured this would be the year I finally get it done but I have a few things in mind. I was hoping to try doing some TZF experimenting with it, using the send & return pads. What is the easiest way, on this version of the board, to kill the dry signal? I know on the 2015 board it's just a matter of lifting R28. On the 2011 Current Lover board, am I lifting R25 to kill the dry signal?
Thanks for confirming that. Cheers!  :)
General Questions / Re: Current Lover Manual Sweep?
April 11, 2015, 06:07:00 PM
Can anybody tell me? Is it the Range pot that would be used for manually sweeping through the flange in Filter Matrix mode?
General Questions / Current Lover Manual Sweep?
April 02, 2015, 11:35:46 PM
I'm considering building the Current Lover but I want to put it in a wah shell and set it up so I can manually sweep through the filter, when in filter-matrix mode. This may sound daft, but I don't see a "Manual" pot in the schematic. I remember always having one on any EH Mistress I played through.