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Messages - mherrera3626

I'll have to take some time to test the diodes during the week. I work at a church so my weekends are crazy. I did, however, make this crummy wiring diagram. I did hook it up using the G pad for the negative leg of the LED. I tried to make it true bypass wiring and didn't know where to put the LED leg other than to use the ground on the board.

What changes should I make? Also, what goes in the ground pad on the board if the LED doesn't?

So I built the Green Bean as a first Project, and it works!! (mostly) I have two problems though...

I'm using the current document for the project. I have the LED hooked up using the LED pads but it stays on all the time. Do I need to hook it up to the 3pdt as well?

Also, the Sym/A-Sym switch only works one way. When I have the switch to the right it sounds awesome. When I flip it to the left the volume takes a nosedive and if I crank up the volume it sounds very weak (hardly overdriven). What's up with that?
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: 8-ball "SW" on PCB
December 19, 2014, 01:50:47 AM
Excellent. I hooked up the LED already but I haven't wired up the 3PDT yet. Thanks for the info.
Tech Help - Projects Page / 8-ball "SW" on PCB
December 15, 2014, 04:13:46 AM
Hi. I was wondering, what does the SW stand for on the the 8-ball PCB? I'm just about finished wiring together the 8-ball and the Green Bean together into an order stacking pcb. I just don't know what to do with the SW spot.
Open Discussion / Re: DIY Vox VFS2A switch help
December 03, 2014, 02:26:50 AM
I finished building this using LED's. I used the same wiring setup with a 1/4 inch jack. Works like a charm with my AC15C1.

Hello. Sorry if this is already posted on the forum, I couldn't find an answer to my question. I taking the 8-ball and the green bean and putting them in one enclosure, a la JHS Double Barrel. The only thing that I can't seem to figure out is how they set up their toggle switch to determine which circuit goes first in the order. Does anyone have an answer or resource I can get my hands on?

Here is the URL to their page: