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Messages - march500

Open Discussion / Re: Cover or Photocopy?
May 17, 2015, 10:36:20 AM
One of my favourite covers \m/
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Led orientation
April 29, 2015, 05:50:57 PM
Quote from: rullywowr on April 29, 2015, 04:26:51 PM
Quote from: Jules on April 29, 2015, 12:09:53 PM
Yeah sorry meant d8 and 9. Thanks for the answer.
I was building a Non Madbean PCB last week and it was the opposite to that (short leg to square pad).
i had to de solder and fix later.
It seems it might vary a bit depending on the Pcb.
All Madbean boards follow the same practise I assume (long leg to square pad).
Thanks again

Quote from: march500 on April 29, 2015, 10:58:58 AM
You mean D8 and D9 right? Long side is the cathode (generally) the flat side of the LED itself is the anode. The long lead (cathode) goes in the square pad.

I think you actually meant to say that the long leg of a LED is the Anode (+) and the short leg the Cathode (-).   The Cathode (-) is also the flat side of an LED.  It is true that the long leg (Anode +) typically goes into the square pad on most pedal projects.


Argh! Yeah sorry confused it with my chemistry background where a cation has a positive charge😀
Tech Help - Projects Page / Re: Led orientation
April 29, 2015, 10:58:58 AM
You mean D8 and D9 right? Long side is the cathode (generally) the flat side of the LED itself is the anode. The long lead (cathode) goes in the square pad.
Any chance pin 4 of IC4 and C13 are bridged? Could just be how it appears in the photo. Looks like you have electrical tape on the back of the pots--Could a long lead be poking through? I've definitely reversed the connections accidentally on the jacks a few times. Like you said check that.
Build Reports / Re: Red Lady
March 09, 2015, 01:25:36 PM
Truly a work of art! Inspiring. ;D
Quote from: pryde on March 09, 2015, 02:54:28 AM
Check your local community colleges or universities as well. Electronics department normally have tons of good old analog scopes sitting around never being used. Not to mention signal generators, variacs, etc.
That's a great idea. There's quite a few in my area.
Thanks for the input... Looks like I'll have to keep my eyes out for a used one.
Build Reports / Re: Aqua Puss on vero
March 08, 2015, 03:52:58 PM
Quote from: pryde on March 08, 2015, 03:34:52 PM
Man that looks painful. Awesome job all around!
The most pain was caused by the 68 cuts and 30 jumpers! :'(
Quote from: dont-tase-me-bro on March 08, 2015, 03:38:57 PM
Rigol are priced low
Still a little out of my price range for the amount of use it would get. Anyone have any experience with the USB variety? I've read a few reviews and they don't seem to be the greatest.
Are there options for getting a reliable scope for a reasonable price? Do the USB scopes you see on eBay work?
Quote from: chromesphere on March 08, 2015, 04:04:39 AM
Hey Maoriente,
i had distortion issues with the aquaboy for such a long time...i was using v3205's and there was NOTHING i could do to stop that distortion.  I frankensteined my build to the point of almost self-destruction...
The second i put mn3008's in, the distortion was gone.  Now i know you said you are using mn3008's, just wondering if they have been relabelled.

Interesting... If they were relabelled v3205s would they work at 15v? I just built an aqua puss on vero (similar to aquaboy right?) and had horrible distortion using 2x v3205's. Put in two working mn3205s from an old ad3208 build and it worked perfectly. The v3205s work fine in my ad3208 too! Funny how this circuit is sensitive to the v3205s. Hope you get this sorted Maoriente it's a good delay. Some legit mn3008's may do the trick.
Build Reports / Re: Aqua Puss on vero
March 08, 2015, 02:47:29 PM
Unfortunately there's no way I'm getting the modulation board in there! ;)
Build Reports / Aqua Puss on vero
March 08, 2015, 02:18:50 PM
Built the aquapuss on vero (sabrotone layout) as a warm-up for the DirtBag. Initially I threw a mn3205 to verify it was working. Sounded great! so I decided to build the daughter board and put in 2 v3205's. I could not dial out the heavy distortion on the repeats.  Thinking it might be the chips, I popped in 2 mn3205's and they biased easily.

Bad chips? Well I put the v3205's in my ad3208 (generalguitargadgets) and they worked just fine!! as a bonus I'm getting a higher output on my ad3208 now as well. Maybe variation in voltages between the 2 builds?

The aquapuss has darker repeats than the ad3208 but I find the latter to have more musical repeats on longer/infinite delay settings. That being said I don't have a scope so I may need to spend a bit more time adjusting trimmers.
I think it does just affect the bias but I couldn't dial in any decent sound before I swapped that resistor.
Open Discussion / Re: Fake mn3008
February 26, 2015, 01:50:49 AM
Quote from: chromesphere on February 26, 2015, 01:26:26 AM
Hey march, if you want me to test them for you I can.  Might not be worth the postage (im in Australia) but happy to go through the exercise to help you out!

I actually ordered a pair from you about an hour after I received the fake ones!! I also got a pair from banzai before I knew about your site.  I wish I would have known-I would have just got all 4 from you.