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Messages - tboulette

I saw that, but (unfortunately?) I've already bought the board and parts for the original.
Introductions / New to the forum
November 03, 2014, 05:21:42 PM
Hi all,

I'm brand new to this forum, although I've been aware of MadBean for awhile now, and have all the parts for a Harbinger One.  Been making pedals for some time now. Started with Small Bear's "Tweak-O," like, 12  years ago or something, and followed that with a Rangemaster clone done on perfboard.  Then I got lazy and found General Guitar Gadgets and BYOC!  I've built probably 20 of those kits at this point.

Anyway, I'm back here because I hope to start on that Harbinger One soon.  I've a question on that here:

Glad to be here, and looking forward to making a bunch more pedals!

Open Discussion / Harbinger One with outboard Footpedal
November 03, 2014, 05:20:54 PM
Hi guys/gals:

Any reason I couldn't remove the dual gang pot from the Harbinger One, stick it in (say) an old wah enclosure, and wire it up (with stereo jacks, I'd think) to allow my foot to control "rate," more or less just like the original Uni-Vibe's worked?  Would there be noise issues to contend with?
