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Messages - hozy31

Open Discussion / Re: ZOMBII Built And Awesome
February 09, 2015, 02:57:02 PM
Yes it is a bit of a beast for such a simple circuit. Socketed the transistors so may try a few different Ge's in it as well.
Just love listening to Can at the moment. But have my non-iTunes player on shuffle while i am building its amazing what i rediscover even if some of is a bit dodgy.
Open Discussion / ZOMBII Built And Awesome
February 08, 2015, 06:31:46 PM
Hey all,

Just built the ZOMBII this weekend in my first proper etch to board project and my god that is a good pedal. Used 2N2222As instead of Ge's and it sounds amazing.

Open Discussion / Re: Current lover build issue
December 14, 2014, 02:23:28 PM
I am using the MN3207 BBD chip and 9v 500mA power supply. I will have a go at jumpering out all together and see if that helps. Out of 13 builds this is the first problem i have encountered so overall feel quite happy. Thanks for response guys.
Open Discussion / Current lover build issue
December 13, 2014, 04:31:37 PM
Hi all,

New to forum so apologies if posting in wrong place.

I have an issue with my Current Lover build i get some noise coming through but before long R33 started to burn out. Any ideas why? Help would be much appreciated.