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Messages - maxiclick

I built this more than a year ago and was happy and put it aside to deal with life. I've been playing a lot lately with PRS se with P90's, Strat...champ 12, Rivera Pubster... thank you. This is a wonderful gizmo to have on your board. Not sure if the cleanup with the guitar vol control is quite what I expected (first in chain) but it plays nice with a considerable number of other pedals and I don't turn it off, e v e r! I also built the compressor, vibrato, 3timeChamp. They are all keepers thus far.
Build Reports / Re: Harmonic Percolator
November 19, 2014, 06:39:28 PM
PCB ??
hello, do tell.
Mods / Wah with Germanium transistor?
October 17, 2014, 07:24:44 PM
Any info or experience with Germanium and wah ?
If I read the geo article correctly only one of the 2 transistors make a tone difference. hmm? Any body experiment with this? good? bad? no difference?
Mods / Re: NPN bumbleBee?
October 17, 2014, 06:16:42 PM
awesome, thanks. Seems like I'll build the BumbleBee first because the alike is a tag board build and that isn't my first choice for ease or dependability given my lack of experience with debugging these builds.
Mods / Re: NPN bumbleBee?
October 17, 2014, 04:40:49 PM
have you seen/heard the buzzaround-alike? The demo I heard sounded good and it's touted as being more stable since it has only 1 GE tranny. And It will play nice with other pedals being NPN and having good input/output impedance...I want to build both because I have G.A.S. naturally but I'm enjoying my recent building spree. (cupcake, EAT, 3time champ, FF, mods on a few things)
Mods / NPN bumbleBee?
October 17, 2014, 04:06:22 PM
I want to build an NPN version (2n1302) of the bumbleBee and I've marked the extracted graphic with red for the changes. Have I missed anything? Any suggestions I also wish for a madbeans version of the Buzzaround-Alike with only one transistor and a dual op-amp. Anybody here build that? Info? Options?...