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Messages - Jeffedelic

I'm working on a Slow Loris right now. Last night I wired up all 4 pots, wired the cliping toggle switch and finished populating the board. Today I'm going to finish up the jacks and foot switch so I can start testing. Sadly my enclosure is shipping incredibly slow, it was an eBay steal from Hong Kong so it was expected. I might grab a predrilled one from pedal parts plus, because I don't want to wait two more weeks to get this thing in a box and I have a Wolfshirt and guitarpcb GBOF that'll need an enclosure soon.

Next up I'm going to begin my first multi effect project that I've been planning since I started building a few months ago. It's going to be a dirtbox with lots of clipping options, fuzz and OD PCBs from bean, order switching and possibly a toggled treble boosting circuit. What can I say I'm a sucker for knobs and toggle switches.