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Messages - madmac

Build Reports / Re: Weber Princeton Reverb (not a bean)
October 23, 2012, 04:16:01 AM
Wow.  Great amp.  I bet it sounds great too.
Build Reports / Serendipity JRC 4580D
August 15, 2012, 07:47:37 AM
I built the serendipity a couple of years ago and never really liked it compared to some of my other builds so it just sat there unboxed.  I thought I would try a few mods to see if I could get a better sound out of it.  Tried a JRC 4580D and Bat 41 and oh my this this sounds wonderful! Has a really nice softness about the tone that I really dig.

Also realised that having my Boss TU2 tuner fist in the chain was not such a great idea.  The buffer in that bad boy was really messing with the tone of my Sunking and Arisocrat - put the Tu2 after all the drives in my chain and every pedal sounds better!

Dang it now I have to box the serendipity up now sounds too good to leave it on my desk!
Kingslayer Please!!!!!

ZeroPointDX Please!!!!

Tooo many awesome choices here - This place is costing me money - And i Love it!!!!
Build Reports / Re: Tonepad Ross Compressor
November 18, 2011, 07:46:14 PM
I only have the one compressor.  I think I prefer the ross to the orange squeezer and wouldn't like to give up the board space for another one.  The analogman bicomp has both in a small enclosure.  Apparently Ive heard that the barber tone press is quite good not that Ive used one. :)
Build Reports / Re: Tonepad Ross Compressor
November 18, 2011, 06:08:54 AM
Nice Job.  I have my compressor before my drives and like to have the sustain knob from about 12 to 3 o'clock and I set the volume up to get unity gain.  Sometimes I like to increase the volume a little higher than unity and use it as lead boost.  I find it sounds great pushing a the Arisocrat.  When I built mine I also modded it as close as I could to the keeley one.  Its been on my board for a few years now.
Build Reports / Re: The Homer - Cosmopolitan = FUN
October 12, 2011, 07:35:37 PM
Thats a really great looking build.  I have to say that the cosmo is definitely my favourite build to date.  I like it more than any of the other distortion, overdrive pedals that I have built.  Great response, super versatile and yes stacks so nicely!  I think I will have to give the luunar a go as well.
Build Reports / Sunking converted to True Bypass
October 08, 2011, 10:37:33 AM
I've had my buffered V3 sunking on my pedalboard for about a year now and still love the tone of this beast.  I temporarily removed the sunking from my board and found that wow my aristocrat sounds much better with more dymanics and better response without the sunking in the chain.  So I decided to mod the sunking to true bypass - much happier.  I figured I already have a TU2 and eventide timefactor both of which already have buffers no need for a third one.
Build Reports / Re: Feeling Loopy (Demo Added)
August 29, 2011, 11:56:37 PM
Cool Demos.  I like your clean tone - is that amp is that a diy princeton?
Build Reports / Re: Double Flush Trem!
March 22, 2011, 07:57:26 PM
Wow Love the finish looks fantastic!
Build Reports / Re: First Build - Aristocrat
March 16, 2011, 11:11:38 AM

Quote from: ckalinec on March 15, 2011, 01:22:34 AM

I used all the original diodes that it called for. The only sub I used was for the IC. I just got an email saying my 4580D should be in when I get back on campus after this week. I'll give it another shot when that comes in.

It's weird though, I liked the pedal on my small 5 watt practice amp a lot. Thought it sounded great. But when I played it sunday morning on my V22 it just didn't mesh well. I think I remember madbean saying for some reason he felt that his personal Aristocrat didn't sound very good on his AC15. the V22 is fairly Vox voiced so maybe that's my problem. Oh well. This will definitely not be my last build by any means!

If your amp is "Vox" inspired its probably fairly bright.  If you haven't already I would check to make sure that your internal trimpots are turned all the way off.  You could also sub in some different caps for C1 and C12 as suggested in the build doc. to add some more bass.
General Questions / Re: Sunking subs from original?
March 16, 2011, 05:09:17 AM
Quote from: madbean on March 15, 2011, 08:21:16 PM
I sometimes let mine cure for several days. But, I also don't paint or clear coat any more. I'm too impatient!

Yeah - I don't know how many times I have tried to put a pedal together with soft paint and then been disappointed - aw well the wait continues........
General Questions / Re: Sunking subs from original?
March 15, 2011, 07:41:23 PM
Ahh OK thats cool.  Thanks for clearing that up.  Now all I need to do is box up my Sunking.  Waiting for the paint to harden.......................... ::)  I find enamel clear coat takes forever even after baking on a low temp.
General Questions / Sunking subs from original?
March 15, 2011, 01:10:39 PM

I was comparing the schem of the Sunking with the Sargatarian Charger at FSB.  There seems to be quite a few component subs between these two.  Which version is closer to the actual klon or is there a few variations of original klons out there?

At a quick glance these values appear different- R5, R7, R16, C2, C4, C5, C7 and C13.  (Component numbering as per Sunking Schem).

Build Reports / Re: First Build - Aristocrat
March 15, 2011, 05:47:29 AM
Quote from: ckalinec on March 15, 2011, 01:22:34 AM
Thought I would update with the knobs on it.

Unfortunately this OD does not mesh well with my amp at all. It sounds good with my small amp but when I plug it into my V22 it just doesn't sound good. Bummer. I guess I'll be selling it to fund some more builds

I'm surprised that you don't like it given that we play similar music.  It has been my go to pedal for the last few years.  What diodes did you use?  I prefer the 4580D chip rather than the 4558 - gives it a bit more clarity and more transparent. What is it that you don't like about it maybe you could just mod it to your taste?
Mods / Re: Eleventy-bajillion diodes for your Sunking.
February 11, 2011, 10:15:48 AM
Here's a good one I have used a couple of times to help me decide which diodes/combinations to use in a pedal.  Not my layout found it on freestompboxes.

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