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Messages - maine_man

Build Reports / Re: SUN GOD (rullywow king tut - pharao)
November 17, 2014, 01:53:08 PM
Looks great! Really nice build.
Build Reports / Re: First Build - Messy Kingslayer 2
September 22, 2014, 10:17:53 PM
Excellent tip for making sure the pots line up better.  I'll definitely try that next time.  Thanks.
Build Reports / Second Build - Bearhug Compressor
September 22, 2014, 08:52:57 PM
This was my second pedal build, and was somewhat better than pedal #1.  I've reaffirmed for myself that I need to work with larger enclosures, so I've started buying 125Bs for my next several builds.  I had a lot of trouble with the wire snapping when I tried to route it in the enclosure, so I've ordered some of Barry's best wire from GuitarPCB and I'll be trying it in build 3.  But, this build is a step up from my first build, so I'm pleased.  I've used Parks Super Glaze on both this and my first pedal, and I'm pretty pleased with it, as compared to how badly I would do with clearcoat paint.  Anyway, here's the Bearhug.

Build Reports / First Build - Messy Kingslayer 2
September 22, 2014, 08:47:16 PM
This was my first pedal build, and I learned some very important lessons:

1. For a first PCB pedal build, don't choose one with 3 knobs and 3 switches.
2. Buy a larger enclosure than the one the experienced builders use. The 1590B is damn small and hard to work in for such a tough first build.
3. When you tap the enclosure with an awl to give yourself guides for hole drilling, just tap once. Three times is not necessary and will just crack the enclosure.
4. Be careful with the wire, it snaps easily and is a pain when it snaps off after been soldered in place to the PCB.
5. Check the knobs and the driled holes for alignment before soldering them to the board. Otherwise you end up with them all cockeyed like mine. But I'm leaving them that way to remind myself of the lessons I've learned, and because it's damn funny looking.

So here's my super messy first real pedal build, the Kingslayer 2.

Build Reports / Re: Evel Genius II
September 12, 2014, 07:28:10 PM
Wow, just wow.  That looks amazing, inside and out!