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Messages - Mat

Build Reports / Re: Whiskey River: STM800
February 05, 2015, 01:13:47 PM
Sick build, love the artwork, tech, finish, interior! Very inspiring (and daunting at the same time), Congrats!
Build Reports / Re: doppelganger
January 28, 2015, 02:06:20 PM
Quote from: LaceSensor on January 28, 2015, 10:49:20 AM

there is facility for rate control over LFO 1 and 2....

there are plenty of lovetone doppelganger demos inc my clones on youtube

Thanks, I just found your Youtube videos, it's very close to the lovetone, great sound!
Build Reports / Re: doppelganger
January 28, 2015, 07:51:37 AM
Congratulations, great in and out. The interior is so neat and the enclosure is really tasteful! I would love to hear how it sounds (off to google to find a demo somewhere)... Doesn't it scream for expression pedal on some of those controls?
Build Reports / Re: Cardinal Tremolo
January 07, 2015, 07:02:32 AM
Impressive, really pro looking! The sticker and envirotex are incredible (and the design/artwork go really well together)!
Build Reports / Re: the Monsterplex
January 04, 2015, 06:04:41 AM
Good to know the bad days are less numerous, hope they'll disappear altogether soon. Great sounds here, fine playing too! Thanks for the time and efforts!

Build Reports / Re: Class of '77
December 26, 2014, 08:19:18 AM
Congratulations, a.m.a.z.i.n.g (and classy at the same time!)! This is so inspiring and daunting at the same time... Thanks for sharing the process and story, well written BTW, I read it like a novel, although I knew the pedal would turn out incredible in the end, I was caught by the suspense at every step :)
Build Reports / Re: The Vibro Drive 4.0
December 17, 2014, 02:27:13 PM
Sweet, looks great in its own right... Thinking that you re-used an existing layout makes it all the more impressive.
Really dig the design and choixe of knobs!

Build Reports / Re: The Kitteh Cannon
December 15, 2014, 07:51:07 PM
Saw this picture on Twitter today (by @thedarkness):

Caption was: "Finally found out how guitar pedals work..."

Coincidence? I think not!  :o
Build Reports / Re: Schumann PLL clone
December 15, 2014, 02:03:27 PM
Man, I love that design... Inspiring!
Build Reports / Re: Ghost Effects PCB build
December 12, 2014, 10:03:22 PM
Wow, the etch seems very deep. I like the sturdy impression the etch and  the somehow rough surface aspect give to this pedal.
It looks very cool. The bottom plate is glorious, it's kinda nice to have this underneath, ubercool and stealthy at the same time.

The old school inside is cool looking too.
Build Reports / Re: the Monsterplex
December 12, 2014, 09:06:00 PM
Glad to hear you're ok. That was a close one and I can imagine the stress you and your wife are going through. My thoughts are with you and your loved ones. Have a nice weekend and enjoy life.
Build Reports / Re: the Monsterplex
December 10, 2014, 10:03:04 PM
Hi everyone,

This is my first post here, as Tim said I have been lurking here for some months. Sorry for the length of the post, but, well, you don't really have to read it, do you?
Tim just emailed me he completed the Monsterplex, so I think it was time for me to post anyway and share the story...
I'm Mat, from France (so pardon my English). I have been considering building pedals for some years and discovered the very cool 1776's multiplex. After some googling I bumped into a few Youtube videos, among which my favorite (by far) were from Tim. I then stalked him followed his trail down to his blog and what I discovered was an incredible community here on Madbean. This had both positive and negative effects... Positive ones: I contacted Tim and asked if he could build me a Multiplex, learned a lot about guts, enclosures, etching and other magic... Negative ones: how could I start building something now that I know what can be done by the incredibly talented people roaming this board (the Fall contest is just filled with jawdropping builds).

Long story short, Tim and I discussed about my (mostly silly) wants for the pedal, which were fuelled by his great demos of his Multiplex and Love Infinity pedals, and he finally proposed to make a three in one pedal with the crazy routing options he described above in this thread.

This pedal has everything I wanted, including 2 effect loops, expression inputs for delay parameters, ramps, slams... Can't wait to hear Tim demoing it, and then to put it on my pedalboard!

The "art"work  idea started when I mentioned wanting to do a Cthulhu themed something (deep echoes and sounds...) and wanted to name it (somewhat pretentiously) "De Profundis Clamavi", after a poem from Charles Baudelaire. Then Tim proposed the simple, great, incredibly cool and adapted "Monsterplex", and I was immediately sold (and jealous of his naming talent additionally to his building skills). He also very kindly accepted to let me do the artwork. I used as a centerpiece the round Cthulhu badge (I attached my design to this post), which has been designed more than 5 years ago by a guy named Tim Collier, he seemed to have granted use to some small scale business activities on Etsy, I could not find any more information about, or contact for, him apart from that. As I haven't been able to ask use permission, I guess using it for a one shot product for myself can be considered fair-use... Thanks to a layout provided by Tim, I could work something out which I felt would look good and match Tim's etched enclosures style.

Well, I have now seen the Monsterplex... I am amazed.

What else can I say? Can't wait. And of course, thanks Tim, kudos to you again, the result is just incredible, and the journey to get there was (from my point of view, Tim has probably another version: silly customer requests, uselessly complicated routing, design delivery delay... etc) very nice/friendly/professionally handled by Tim.
Maybe is Cthulhu dreaming in the city of R'lyeh, but I know what my brain will be focused on tonight... I'll be dreaming of a Monsterplex.

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for the nice words on the artwork!