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Messages - digistu

Thanks guys, I think this pretty much confirms what I thought - was just worried that in my ignorance I was missing some startlingly obvious solution!

After a few successful builds using other people's circuits I've decided to set myself the task of creating a fuzz with a few of my own modifications.  What I'd like to be able to do is have a switch to swap between the 'stock' version of the circuit and my modded version. 

What's the best way of achieving this?  Obviously I'll only be changing the values of some components - other values will be the same in both circuits.  Should I essentially duplicate the entire circuit twice over and just switch the input, or should it be possible through clever design to make it such that I can 'share' the common parts?  A single throw many poled switch for example?!?

Thanks for any thoughts.

Build Reports / Re: First post, first etch...
September 09, 2014, 02:35:57 PM
Thanks everyone!

Yes, I did get some small MXR style knobs to use, however I ended up deciding I liked it better without.

What a brilliant, encouraging community this is.
Build Reports / First post, first etch...
September 08, 2014, 10:39:53 PM
With the hand of glory there's no telling when you wake!

Hello, I've been lurking around on here for a while, drooling over almost every build report, so figured it was finally time to share.  This is my third build, and the first where I've a) not majorly screwed something up and b) attempted enclosure artwork. 

Inspired by Hexjibber's excellent tutorial and a love of the Wicker Man (original version, not the Nicholas Cage travesty), I found this artwork and adapted it to fit a 125b enclosure.  It took about four attempts, and I was on the point of giving up before finally cracking the paper/toner/solution combination, which explains why it's not the cleanest finish.  However, all the muck seems to fit pretty well with the overall feel of the artwork, and I'm pretty happy.  Already looking forward to improving with the next one!  And yes (spoiler alert), the LED does indeed simulate the smouldering corpse of Edward Woodward.

The circuit is a Mad Bean Double Flush (purchased to replace my first build - a veroboard Tremulator I could never filter the oscillator from successfully).  Nothing out of the ordinary to speak of here (expect maybe the stupidly oversized Wima top right - whoops) but it fired up first time and fulfils my tremolo needs!  I am now officially hooked on pedal building...