Quote from: pickdropper on June 29, 2014, 10:12:53 PMQuote from: marshallkiller91 on June 29, 2014, 08:49:46 PMQuote from: flanagan0718 on June 29, 2014, 08:44:58 PM
When I first started I used PPP a lot. I then started using Tayda and found some of their parts to be questionable. Most are fine by I would like to recommend Chromesphere (his name on this forum) he's got a great store and tons of common value stuff. Plus his shipping is fast too!
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Thanks guy!
I like supporting smaller builders/enterprises as much as I can. The only thing I don't like so far is having to go to different manufactures for different things. I couldn't find the 4247A Zener I needed so I had to go on Small Bear. Only issues is that if I'm getting one Diode and one Capacitor, the $11 in shipping isn't worth it.
Totally agree about Tayda. A few things are ok, but many aren't.
As far as diode and cap, if you get stuck again, post here and we'll help get you sorted out at Mouser or Digikey. Digikey has a $2.99 shipping option for things that small.
That's wicked awesome! Thanks buddy.
I'm ordering all my stuff for my first build next week. That includes a new iron, etc. The Hakko stuff looks great too.
What do you guys use for printers for your pedal designs and designing?