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Messages - garth

Open Discussion / Re: Recommend me a Tremolo build
July 21, 2014, 08:05:05 PM
I was gonna build a trem but then I found a Danelectro Cool Cat trem for $35. Definitely gonna re-house it because the enclosure is weird and hard to operate, but the tone is just fine.
It's a transparent water slide decal that I mocked up in Photoshop. Wasn't too difficult either if you know your way around Photoshop a little bit. The hardest part was making sure the labels lined up with the knobs.
This is my 2nd ever pedal build. 1st one was a Leeds Fuzz kit from BYOC. My soldering is a little globby on this one, and I had to troubleshoot some clicking in the signal, but I got it all sorted out and it sounds just amazing. Might go back in and clean it up a bit, but overall I'm really satisfied.