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Messages - modernage

Requests / Re: Moollon effects
May 06, 2011, 02:41:54 PM
Their guitars are pretty epic too!

Requests / Re: Opamp Big Muff?
April 07, 2011, 02:47:03 PM
Got to love those gaudy old EHX boards.  :D

I finally got around to finishing up my GuitarPCB board around 1:00am last night, and it sounds incredible (even at "I don't want to wake the neighbors" volume levels). This is by far the best Muff I've ever played. It may not be the one for those who have wet dreams about David Gilmour while they sleep, but for the rest of the world this may be "the one". haha.

I'm looking forward to checking out a Bean board for this one... and I've always wanted the real deal :jealous:
Requests / Re: More compression?
April 07, 2011, 02:15:04 PM
I approve of this thread. Andy convinces me every time that I need a pedal when he plays Radiohead in a demo. I don't know why I always passed over this pedal, but it does sound great. Plus you can't go wrong when the name is a Mad Gab!
Requests / Re: Crowther Hotcake
April 07, 2011, 02:02:32 PM
Quote from: madbean on April 07, 2011, 12:04:43 PM
I'd like to do this. I think I already have a layout for the Prunes and Custard. Anyway, I've never built the Hotcake, but it is pretty much a classic.
That would be amaaaazing! I've got a few LM741 just begging to be used.
Requests / Re: Crowther Hotcake
April 07, 2011, 02:46:33 AM
I see this thread didn't get any love. I considered starting a new one, but thought there would be no point in having 2 threads on the same topic with no replies, so I'm bumping this from the dead. I would love to see a Hotcake board offered! After the Screwdriver (which so close to being released I can taste it!) this is the dirtbox that I most want to build.
Requests / Re: Aquaboy add-on boards
March 14, 2011, 05:53:38 PM
Yeah, that's pretty much what I had in mind when those gears were a turning inside my brain. The Skreddy Echo, and soon to be released Strymon Timeline, have a feedback loop as well... with arguably a better delay sounds quality than the DMB, but that can be for another thread. haha.

Plus isn't overkill and excess one of the big selling points of going diy? haha. I mean, that's how you can go from a 1 knob, 1 toggle Small Stone phaser to a 5 knob, 5 toggle Whetstone.  :D

BTW, I'm a Josh as well, so...... well, I don't really know what I was going to say. Probably some lame joke about how you must be awesome, but I think that goes without saying.
Requests / Re: Red Ross Flanger?
March 14, 2011, 05:42:56 PM
Quote from: madbean on May 21, 2010, 03:53:53 AM
This seems like a really interesting flanger. Definitely reminded me of some old Cure tunes. Lot of interesting sounds to be had-->Homebrew Frost Bite Flange

Digging up an old thread only to say that THIS is my dream flanger. I'm not much of a flange guy, but this is the pedal that convinced me that I need to a flanger on my board... much like the Whetstone convinced me I need a phaser. Got the phaser, still need a flanger.  :(
Requests / Re: Opamp Big Muff?
March 14, 2011, 03:10:00 PM
I have one of these boards from guitarpcb that is waiting to be boxed up. Barry makes some quality stuff. Sometimes it might be a little higher priced than the 'bean, but he's always having sales or special offers which makes up for it. Last time I ordered I got like 3-4 boards for free!
Requests / Re: Screwdriver???
March 14, 2011, 03:07:19 PM
I would definitely be all over some Screwdriver boards!
Requests / Re: Aquaboy add-on boards
March 14, 2011, 03:06:35 PM
Quote from: maysink on January 17, 2011, 04:58:09 PM

So, If you have an current AB board AND are looking for either a double delay and/or modulation board to make it the greatest pedal ever, voice your needs here to convince the mighty 'Bean this is worth his time.
I'm interested in 3 of each. I tried to nab some over at fsb, to no avail. This is one of the builds that I am planning on building soon.

I was wondering if it would be worth using a Pork Barrel board instead of that basic lfo circuit for modulation in a AB. Could you imagine if Boss built a Deluxe Memory Man style delay that was a DM2 w/ double delay time and a CE2 for modulation?  :o  Of course I would probably try to wire it up so the Pork Barrel could be used on its own too. I've got 3 AB boards right now, perhaps I'll try that with one of them.