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Messages - southernnorthamerican

Thanks for the input - I removed the PCB and pots today to double check joints and insulation on the pots' solder lugs. I didn't find anything unusual, but I'm building a testing rig tomorrow. It's somewhat comforting/interesting to see that I'm not the only one with this problem on the Macheen. I've got unity volume with the T1 pot maxed out(I'm using a 16mm 5kB external), but I know it's supposed to put out much much more juice.

After building the testing rig, I should know whether or not I fried a transistor with too much heat when soldering, but I was pretty careful at that stage. You're right about the level of frustration one can reach after spending hours wiring only to realize something went wrong along the way. I'll be at RadioShack when the doors open so I can build a testing rig and figure this thing out sooner than later. I'd love to have this thing up and running for gigs this weekend!

Any solution to the problem? I just finished a macheen build and have extremely low output as well. I'm a noob and not real sure I know how to use an audio-probe to find the problem -