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Messages - roark

Took a little bit to get back to this ... thank you for the help! I'll see if I can get it in there without mangling it ... well... it's going in a mangler, so it WILL get mangled one way or another!  :P
Assembling a Mangler this afternoon -the trimpot I bought doesn't exactly line up with the holes in the PCB. Did I buy the wrong one, or do I need to bend the wires to fit? Does it really matter which wires go in the three holes? Thanks! 2nd post/question in an hour - appreciate the help/patience!
General Questions / Re: Capacitor help - mangler
August 23, 2014, 10:59:00 PM
They are axial. I think I'm set - thank you so much!  :D
General Questions / Capacitor help - mangler
August 23, 2014, 10:03:57 PM
Building a Mangler. Soldering the capacitors - C1 and C2. Not sure which way they go. One side of the capacitor has an indent. Want to make sure I put it in right. C1 goes one direction and C2 goes the opposite. Anyone know how to tell which way to install? Please let me know and thanks!
Open Discussion / Re: mangler pots help
August 08, 2014, 02:22:20 PM
Thank you both! Will take a look. My 13 yr old and I have started this together - we have lots to learn. I think he's getting a kick out seeing me be totally clueless about this. Good lessons in perseverance ... and we haven't even gotten to testing a build yet  ... :-}
Open Discussion / Re: mangler pots help
August 08, 2014, 01:31:02 AM
Thank you very much! Is there a quick explanation of what the meaning is of the "a" is vs. the "c"? Really appreciate the quick help! :-)
Open Discussion / mangler pots help
August 08, 2014, 01:09:31 AM
First time builder ... trying to get my parts list together on mouser. Cant find the pots 1kC and 500kA. Could someone please point me in the right direction? Thanks! -Roark
Open Discussion / Re: Sunking 2
July 09, 2014, 11:12:26 PM
Hadn't checked the site in a few days. Did I miss it?   :D