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Messages - rafikian

it's a .. very touch sensitive OverStortion !
 ;D Hahahahahaha !! Old Love !
I don't see any innovation  :-\
and when you see andy timmons picking one of those clones ... and then the world is hurrying to do so ... :/
Ok, I've just built one and I tried the 100nF in parallel with the 22nF in the tone fiter, I even put a switch to hear the difference, so the sound is better, Less Harsh and there's more bottom end. Ia think this is the ONLY difference.
I made a crunchbox V2 with the presence Pot for a friend of mine, he made a A/B test with angry charlie, and there's a small difference, the crunch box has more treble as the gain goes up.
appearently there's a little difference.
comparing to the cunchbox, on the picture, all component are the same exept for two extra 100nF box caps, one I gues for extra filtering, but the other ?? I can't say where it goes ?!
any suggestions ?!