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Messages - RonSound

I decided to try adding a bi-color LED to the circuit.  I used the unused center column on the chorus/vibrato footswitch to do the switching.  I ran a wire from the cathode pad to the center switch lug.  The common cathode of the LED goes to the other LED pad and each of the LED anodes to the top and bottom switch lugs  (top lug for chorus, bottom lug for vibrato).  I had to drop R64 down to 5k to make the LED a little brighter until I get some better bi-color ones.  It didn't seeem to affect the sound quality at all and now it glows green for chorus and red for vibrato.  Here's a quick diagram in case anyone else wants to try it.
I just finished my build and it worked great right off the bat.  A little noisy with battery power but not any more than I'd expect.  I added the Chorus Depth control.  The only thing I would've liked would be some way of telling whether it's in Chorus or Vibrato mode, like a bi-color LED or something.