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Messages - Wannabebluesman

OK, I apologize, I am new here and I thought it didn't post the first time, but apparently I was in a different thread than I thought I was. Again I apologize.
I see that the BOM calls for one, but I don't see in the instructions which capacitor slot on the board it fits into. There are multiple capacitors with that value, but the BOM only calls for one Tantalum capacitor.
I see that the BOM calls for a tantalum capacitor, but I do not see in the instructions which capacitor slot takes the Tantalum capacitor. I know very little about electronics so I apologize if this is a stupid question.
I finished my first pedal project ( a Mudbunny) and it sounds great other than a  hiss that is audible even at fairly low volume. any ideas why this background noise is there?